Chapter Fourty

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You groggily open your eyes to see the room filled with roses and carnations. There was a heavenly aroma coming from them that made you want to keep sleeping. You lifted a hand and clasped onto something soft, yet firm and snuggled your face into whatever it was. With half-lidded eyes you survey the area and realized that it was the living room that decorated with flowers. There was also a giant, white teddy bear holding a heart that said 'I love you' on it. Where did all this come from?
"Mommy! You're awake!" Momiji screamed, his voice ringing in your ears and was very successful into snapping you out of sleep mode.
You blink still cuddled up with Hatori. You arm was clutching the front of his shirt and your head was still leaning on his shoulder. Also somewhere along your short nap one of your legs crossed over his in a lax position.
"Momiji?" You say softly and stare as if the boy had grown bunny ears out of his head.
"Good evening, (name)." Akito gave you this heated, rather dark look and crossed his legs.
"Akito?" You stare at him pretty used to his dark aura and the way he looks at you.
"You can let go now."
You eyes trailed up to what had been sleeping on which to seem the humanoid figure of Hatori Sohma. Your face flamed as you quickly distangled yourself from around him and move over a little to give him some breathing space. Everyone chuckles at your reaction except for Hatori who looks rather uncomfortable with the situation. Seth was beaming at the predicament ahd half-wished he had taken a picture before you woke up.
"I'm sorry." You whisper shyly and twiddled with your finges, not daring to look Hatori in the eye.
If it was any consolation Hatori was a very, very, very soft, warm man. You could imagine being his wife and wake up spooned against his hot, firm body aft-Ack! Bad thoughts, bad (name)! No thinking of Hatori that way! He was self-respecting doctor and would never have a pedophilic relationship with a minor. (A/N: This is where the idea of 'Thaw' came from. XD)
You stood up rubbing the the sleep out of your eyes. You yawn and strechted a little before before grinning at the little boy still standing in front of you. Momiji was a cute, perky little boy. You remember Hatori saying something about him not having a mother figure in his life and that he thought of you as such.
You ruffle Momiji's hair and bent over a bit to press a soft kiss to his forehead. "And how is my little boy doing? Hm, Momiji?"
He gave you a cheeky smile and answered with a loud voice. "Everything is great (name)-chan! We just wanted to wish you a Happy Valentines Day! Here, here this is my gift!"
He held up a box of chocolates in yellow and orange wrapping paper. You thank him and ruffle his hair some more before taking the chocolates. You eyes then switched over to Akito with another smile as you go over to other couch to sit next to him.
You glance around at all the roses and flowers. "Let me guess, this was all your doing Akito?"
He nods before he is taken off guard by you jumping him in hug. It was awkward considering your positions on the couch but he enjoyed it nevertheless. No one has ever dared to even come this close to him not unless it was to restrain him. No one hasn't hugged since he was a child and even then they were weary of him.
When you pull back you leave a small kiss on his cheek before getting up and dragging him by hand to look at the flowers and your teddy. You bombard him with questions about it where he got it from and among other stuff.
"I'm glad you're feeling well enough to come visit me, Akito." You say as you let go of his hand to hold a long stemmed rose that you gotten out of the vases he brought.
"I am too, (name)." He really enjoyed that hug and kiss just a few minutes ago. He should bring you gifts more often. 
"There is something that troubles me though, (name)."
"Oh? Really? Then what is the problem? Maybe I can help?" You give a puzzled look as if you didn't know what he was talking about. How could you have betrayed him like this?
"When you going to tell me you were dating Yuki?" Akito voice was stern and filled with enraged jealously. You had expected as much seeing as he had a crush on you too.
Your eyes widen and you dropped the rose you were holding in surprise. Your eyes lowered, you had known something strange was going on. Akito never comes to visit you himself unless it's very important. You're surprised he still bought all these things for Valentine's Day after he heard ahout you and Yuki from Hatori.
"I didn't know you were related to him, Akito." You say in a soft voice.
"You mean you didn't notice that we had the same last name, (name)-chan?" Momiji was standing beside you now looking at with big, confused eyes.
You looked down at him with a sad smile. "No, I only knew he was Kyo's cousin."
Akito's temper flared even more at the mention of another one of his family members. "You know Kyo, too?" 
You nod looking back at him. "Yes, we are best friends."
"He never mentioned us?" Hatori's cold voice questioned you seemily finding it impossible for you not to have noticed. He remebered you saying over the phone that Yuki had told you about the Zodiac curse, how could have not know they were related?
"Well Kyo and Yuki never really directly mention-"
"How long have you been dating?" Akito rudely interuppted you and raised his voice a little.
He was angry and hurt you could tell. He had acted the same way when your grandmother passed away. "I-I don't know."
You answer didn't satisfy at him. How the hell did you not now? His eyes has this feral glint in them as he reached out the grasped your arms in a tight grip. You gasped in utter surprise as he pulls you closer. Akito had never done this to you before!
"How long have been fucking him?"
"What? A-akito please-" You cried out as Seth and Hatori quickly made their way to restrain him.
"You fucking whore. I can give you the world and you go out and do this. Besides, Yuki belongs to me! You can't have him and he can't have you either. Both of you belong to me! You'll see he get bored with you and you'll come crawling back, bitch!"
He began to shake you roughly and then he madly pressed his lips to yours. When you didn't respond he continued to ravish you his grip tightening on you arms. You position your legs and knee him in the gut to get him to release you. He stumbles back looking at you give a twisted smirk at the tears spilling from your eyes. 
You fall to the floor on your behind as Seth and Hatori restrain Akito from coming after you again. Momiji is beside you now and it is the very first time you've ever seen him frown. The little boy is asking if you were alright but you are in too much shock to notice. 
You stare up at Akito in disbelief. You could feel the beginings of bruise on one your arms from his grip. You had never seen this side of Akito before, he was also so gentle and respectful. Was this that Akito that everyone had warned you about becuase the Akito you had come to know was totally different. What had had brought this out of him...? You knew he had a crush you but....
Your fist clenched at your side as you avert you eyes to the side. You stared at the teddy bear Akito gave you with the giant heart reading 'I love you' on it. This is was Yuki's damn fault. He was fucking ruining your life, but you guess that was his plan after all. Destroy everything in your life so that the only person you could turn to was him.
You could guess that Akito heart had broken when he heard about you and Yuki dating. That's why he had lashed out you. He had every right to do what he did to you. Momiji was still there and you nearly knocked the boy over with a small hug crying into his clothes.
Momiji smiled like he always did and started rambling on about something in order to make you happy again.
He didn't like it when his mommy was sad.

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Where stories live. Discover now