Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Sunday Morning...



The table when flying across the floor and through the sliding door into the outside yard. Everything on it completely smashed into tiny pieces including the glass tea cups that they had been drinking out of. Of course Hatori remained impassive as if expecting this reaction.

Akito was not a happy. His eyes were wild, fierce and feral like a wild animal. His breathing was short and raspy. He was definitely angry and didn't take the news well.

"That bitch! She's mine. Flitting off with I won't allow it! I won't! She's mine!"

Hatori raised an eyebrow at his reaction. "I did not realize she attended the same school or even knew of Yuki. This is new to me as well."

"Where is she?! I want to see!"

"I imagine (name) is home right now. Seth had called wondering where she was yesterday. I told him that she was at Shigure's house with Yuki."

"Did she even get the things I sent to her?! I don't believe you! I wanna hear it from her. She is not dating Yuki. I forbid it!" Akito stood his breathing still erratic. (Name) was Yuki dare try to take her away. Yuki was his too and how dare (name) try to take him away too.

"I know you like (name) Akito but she has the right to choose who she likes as well."

"You think I care what she wants? Besides she likes me, I've been a very nice person. Why do you think she fell for Yuki anyway? He'll get tired of her eventually and then she'll come crawling back to me. Only I can understand her."

"Akito think this through. I know (name) reminds of you of (grandmother's name) but-"

Akito flinched at the mention of your grandmother...his hands balling into fists at his sides. "Shut-up! Don't ever say that name again! I don't wanna see you. Get out! Get out!"

Hatori's face remained emotionless as he got up to leave. He needed to get a maid in here and clean up the mess Akito just caused. He would have to wait though until Akito calmed down. Otherwise that maid would be a victim of his rage.

"I will arrange a meeting with her." Hatori as he slid open the door to leave.

"Wait!" Akito took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. No use getting angry over something that be resolved easily.


"I want to go see Perhaps we should make a surprise visit. I would like to see if she received my gifts." He put extra emphasis on the 'today' part. He managed to calm himself down completely and laid down resting his head on his palm. His voice sounded calm and serene as if he didn't have a temper tantrum a few minutes ago. A bird flew in from outside and rested on his shoulder. It made a small chirping noise as he held out his index finger for it to climb on. The bird climbed onto it gracefully clinging it's clawed feet to his finger.

"If that is what you want Akito. I will drive you there."

The tiny bird chirped again. "Good."

Hatori give a light nod and exited the room.

At Home....

You were resting and dreaming peacefully. You had finally defeated Kyo in a match. You were standing with one foot on his back and holding up a giant trophy signifying your victory. Then Yuki appeared declaring his undying love for which you responded by kicking his ass as well. Then a swarm of police officers surrounded him and he was suddenly in handcuffs. He was finally getting what he deserved...he needed to rot in jail for the grief he caused you. He tried to reach out for you...and called out your name for you to help him. You just smiled and waved as they shoved him in the police car and drove off. He was finally more stalker to bother you anymore.

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Where stories live. Discover now