Chapter Twenty-Four

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   Why hadn't he transformed?The question moved to the forefront of his mind and stopped him from comforting his crying hime. The first time he hugged you...he transformed. He was all over you today and nothing happened. It was strange and a little...scary.Why didn't he turn into a rat? He'd have to go home and talk to Shigure about this.                                     He got up off the bed and stood still for a few minutes. You stopped crying a bit...confused with Yuki's behavior. He turned his eyes to you and then to the door. Was he...leaving?You smiled suddenly grabbing your bear and happily hugged Mr. Snuggles II. You looked at Yuki.
     "Are you leaving?"
He snorted at how excited you sounded about it but didn't answer. Only a minute ago had you been crying. Women...he didn't understand them.You let a small giggle without even realizing it. You've never seen Yuki snort before. It was just something he didn't do.
    "Something troubles me...but not enough for me to leave you hime."
He really needed to talk to Shigure though.An idea suddenly struck him. He would take you along with him. It wasn't that late it was somewhere around 12:00 in the evening. It was perfect!
    "Are you leaving?" You asked again.          He could the feel the happiness you were giving at thought of his departure. Too bad he was about to disappoint you...
    "Yes."You spoke with a stern voice.
     "Well what are you waiting for? Leave yo-"
Before you could finish he covered your lips with his...darting his tongue inside your hot cavern. That addicting taste was there and he drank wholly of it. He held your arms to your sides to prevent you from doing anything. You twisted your head around trying to escape it but he followed the movements...making the kiss sort of sloppy. Finally he pulled away to breathe but not before sucking on your bottom lip with a light moan.

"Get dressed. You're coming with me."

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن