Chapter One

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No one believed you when you told them you had acquired a stalker.

It wasn't like you had told anyone about him though. You didn't have any friends except for Kyo Sohma and that's if he even considered you friend with uncontrollable temper of his. Your family was just as small only consisting of you and your older brother, Seth. You had been living with grandmother but she died a few years back.

You really missed her.

You kept shifting uncomfortably in your seat, feeling his gaze burning into your back. Your stalker had somehow had his seat rearranged so that he was directly behind you. You couldn't stop fidgeting with him at such a close proximity. You were failing miserably at paying attention to whatever your teacher was saying and that wasn't good since you were falling short in Math.

He knew you were close to failing Math too. He was your stalker after all and an ideal student at the same school. Your teacher recommended that he tutor but you turned down that offer quickly. There was no way you'd place yourself anywhere near him.

Others however didn't seem to notice that he was always watching you. In fact your stalker had a few friends; majority of his classmates admired and adored him. He had even acquired a fanclub that worshipped him and gave him the nickname "Prince".

And to make matters worse Kyo, your only friend was related to your stalker. Luck was slightly on your side though since Kyo hated his guts for some reason and never cared to introduce you to him. Kyo always listened to what you had to say and you quietly thanked him for that. You constantly bought Kyo small gifts that you think he would like as a token of appreciation. Of course some people took it as you had a crush on Kyo and you could see the ominous glares they received from your stalker.

Knowing Kyo he would probably try to beat the crap of your stalker if you told you had one and who he was. It would be because he slightly frightens you and because of his own selfish reasons. However after witnessing a semi-fight between your stalker and Kyo, it was sad to say that your stalker was much stronger. You didn't want Kyo-Kyo getting hurt because of you.

It wasn't like you need to be protected by someone though. If push came to shove you knew how fight. You had four years of advanced martial arts up your sleeve and sometimes sparred with Kyo-Kyo. He was probably the only one who knew this beside your stalker. This however probably wouldn't matter since you still couldn't beat Kyo in countless spars. And if you couldn't beat Kyo there was no way you could stand up to your stalker.

He knew this too. Which is why he has been approaching you, he was probably getting tired of watching of you. He wanted a taste of you now. He would frequently speak with you when there weren't many people or his friends around. Sometimes when his friends were around he would smile and wave at you. You usually just ignore him and walk the other direction.

He didn't like it to much when you did that. He constantly expressed this in the letters he wrote you. You would find the love letters in your locker, stuffed in one of your books, tied to your pencils, in your bag and etc. At first you had been reading them and some of them were very sweet but as time passed they got a little perverted and sometimes even sadistic. You stopped reading them completely because it only showed that you were interested and you weren't. So now every time you would receive one you would make sure to rip it up and throw it away.

He saw this but he continued to write them anyway always referring to you as his "Princess". You don't know what you did to lead him on but he was scaring you now. It was a bit cute at first but now it was getting frightening. How could he know so much about you without you even knowing?

You heard the bell ring and this was the last class. You could still feel his gaze boring into you. You quickly got your things together and held some of your books tightly to your chest. You took a deep breath before turning around and passing him like you do everyday.

Today however would be different.

He stood swiftly and elegantly just as you took one step before passing his desk. You immediately halted took a two-handed hold on your books crushing them to your chest. The desks were line in straight lines and the only way out was to go past him and out the classroom. You were only a few inches apart from one another as he stood blocking your way.

Usually you would have back up and went around completely ignoring him. That's what you going to do if he hadn't trapped his silver-colored eyes on you.

"Yu-Yuki!" was all you could blurt out.

"(name)." His lips curved into a light grin. If anyone was looking it would have just looked like it was just a polite smile.

That's right. Yuki Sohma was your stalker.

Innocent, polite, sweet, perfect, and beautiful Prince Yuki was stalking you.

If you would have told someone this, they probably would have laughed at you. There was just no way Yuki Sohma was a stalker. Shigure Sohma maybe, but not Yuki.

If you had been a fan girl it would have been a dream come true. You would have been thrilled. But you weren't fan girl. You just weren’t blindly in love with Yuki like they were.

You still hadn't move from the spot your in, slight fear keeping you stuck. He hadn't moved either, only his eyes. His eyes took in every part of you encasing it into his memory. He had never been this close to you. You would usually run. It would seem he had taken you by surprise this time.

He reached out and you flinched as he tugged some of your hair back that dared to block his view of your beautiful face.

He let out a soft but dark chuckle at your reaction. "Let me carry your books my princess."

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Where stories live. Discover now