Chapter 9

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He glanced at the culprit letting out a troubled sigh. His baby sister was standing there panting heavily her leg outstretched emphasizing that she had kicked the door down. She must be angry because she was destroying the house...AGAIN.

You didn't even bother to greet him as he stood there and watched as you casually walk on the broken door on the floor. It creaked and some if it cracked from under weight as you continued to pant like you had ran all the way here non-stop. You looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes and he responded by beaming you an overly happy smile.

"Welcome home my dear baby sister! There wouldn't be anything bothering you now would it?"

"It's nothing. I knocked but you didn't open." You said bluntly in a dangerously low tone.

He glanced at the door..a pout on his features. "I can see that." Poor never stood a chance.

Something was bothering he could tell. You only destroyed the house when you were angry..or annoyed. It's funny because it takes alot to get you angry..or annoyed but it has happened a few times. Those few times he had to get a couple of things replaced. Especially when you were pms-ing...

He shuddered at the thought. You were a very kind, self-controlled...normal person but at that time of the was like you had turned into some kind of demon. He could still feel the bruise from last time...

Seth was brooding young adult and was somewhere around age twenty or so. His eyes were an onyx color but even though his eyes were dark they consistently beamed happiness. His hair was a dark brown and was cut boyishly short about to his ears. Seth must've gone through some stage boys go through because he had been an emo through his teenage years. He had been stoic, cold-hearted and blunt..earning him many fangirls. Cold, mysterious, alone...those were the words your grandmother had used to describe him back then. He still wore the dark clothing but other than that he had drastically changed after your grandmother's death.

Seth was now an overly bubbly..and cheery man who enjoyed life and expressed it happily. You weren't really sure how to describe him. He was only serious when it he needed to be. Other than that he was constantly babbling on about how his beautiful baby sister was turning into a woman. Of course he explained it in his wide vocabulary since he was a professional writer after all. Either that or about how Hatori and Momiji were doing...or about how had seen the most desirable woman..or some crap like that. Kyo had said he reminded him of so much of someone back at his home only twice as worse. Hatori had said the same thing too...he said that Seth had reminded of figured it just one of Hatori's friends.

His trademark expression would have to be the sly smile he gets when has something 'evil' planned. It usually involves torturing that girl who comes to pick up his manuscripts. Her name was Kasumi or something like that...he always enjoyed messing with her mind. It was rather comical..especially the look on her face when you hand her the manuscript after your brother 'claimed' to not have finished. Poor girl...your brother was so mean.

But anyway back to you and the door you kicked down in frustration...

"So tell your big bro' what happened (name).." Your brother cooed and it was very annoying.

You rubbed your temple before mumbling something inaudible.

Seth inched closer. "Hmmm? I can't hear you dear baby must speak louder."

You shook your head. What were supposed tell him? If you tell him what happened forget it. This was your problem, you'd fix it on your own. It's not like you had a choice one would believe you. Even though Seth would because he had never met Yuki'd doubt he believe you after hearing what others say about him and when he meets him himself. That damn Yuki had you trapped.

"It's nothing Seth just a little stressed from school. Sorry about the door."

"Oh it's nothing to worry about (name). You're always destroying the house! It's a good stress reliever for you! Although its painful for my poor house..but nonetheless it shows that you are a powerful young woman in the prime of her YOUTH!"

A huge sweatdrop appeared on the front your head. Well..damn he didn't have to sound so happy about it. Typical Seth...

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Where stories live. Discover now