Chapter Twenty

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Maybe you could talk some sense in to him. If you try to use were pretty sure he would do the same. You just hope you could through to him.

"Yuki listen to how you sound. Marriage? I haven't even graduated from high school yet. I plan on going to college."

"You won't be graduating if don't get some help in Math, (name)." He pointed out.

You placed a hand over your face and hugged the white teddy he gave you. "Don't remind me."

"Is this how it is when Kyo is here?"

His question sort of caught you off guard. You hadn't even realized that the tension was gone from the room. Tension usually appeared when Yuki was around. You inwardly gagged you were getting comfortable around him.

"Yes I guess you can say that. I'm sorry but all I can offer you is friendship."

He scoffed at the idea."I don't want it. It will not suffice."

"Then I suggest you leave because you're not getting anything else."

"I'm not leaving. I planned on spending the whole day with you."

You raised an eyebrow. "Doing what exactly?"

"Well...we could always finish what I started..." He grinned mischieviously leaning back in your chair and patting his lap, motioning for you to come sit in it.

"I don't think so."

"Then what do you propose we do?"

You eyed him skeptically considering his offer earlier. He wanted to tutor you in Math right? So what better time than the present? You just hoped he wouldn't try anything funny. "You wanted to tutor me right?"


"So how about now. Since you finished my homework for me you could give me another problem. Make one up or something."

He grinned. There was a catch. "Okay one condition though."


"You have to sit in my lap."

"Forget I said anything. Get out my house Yuki."

"I love you."

You snapped at him, the tension returning in the room. "Damn it. Stop saying that."

"Why? It's the truth. I love you, hime."

You stood up and glared at him while he sat in the chair. "Get out."

He stood just as quickly and gripped you by the waist, hoisting you up off the floor. You let out a small scream of surprise as your feet and arms were dangling helplessly in the air. What did he think he was doing?

"Yuki! Put me down!"

He closed his eyes suddenly very quiet and shook his head back and forth.

"This isn't funny Yuki.Put me down!"

He peeked open an eye but closed it ignoring you. Was this some kind of twisted game? Yes, your stalker was getting way to comfortable and vice versa.

"Yuki please? What if I give you a kiss?" You say absentmindly. Of course you weren't really going to...

His eyes opened up at that. "Nice try. You shouldn't tease like that. It has consequences..."

You frowned. He was right. You shouldn't provoke him when he seemed not to be in his lusty mood. Maybe this whole situation was just leading him on.

"Your beauty is breathtaking, you know that? I can't stop myself from wanting fuck you senseless." He said gently setting you back down onto your feet slowly.He caressed your face with the back of his hand. His other hand moved around from your waist and gripped your bottom tightly. You jump and blush from the contact shaking your head.
"Yuki don't do that."

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora