Fate's Offer

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   DisclaimerI don't own any of these characters . They are property of J.K Rowling.

 Harry Potter stood on the battlefield surveying it. Hogwarts had already suffered a lot of damage , most of it due to dark magic , which made it impossible to repair it. Several wizards and witches had laid down their lives for the sake of defeating Lord Voldemort , the most feared dark wizard of century.

Remus Lupin , Nymphadora Tonks , Ronald Weasley , Ginny Weasley , Parvati and Padma Patil and several others were dead. Harry felt a pang of guilt knowing Teddy would never know his parents while growing up. Harry felt he had lost even after defeating Lord Voldemort. Voldemort has managed to take away all near and dear ones he had . First his parents James and Lily Potter , then his Godfather Sirius Black , Albus Dumbledore who was like Grandfather to him , his closest friends Ron and Ginny and his mentors Remus and Tonks .

Molly Weasley was sobbing over the bodies of her youngest children. Arthur Weasley was supporting her. The entire Weasley clan was sitting around them .  Harry looked away from the scene, he just couldn't bear sight of the once jolly and cheerful Weasleys mourning. All he wanted was to get away from the scenario . He walked and went to 2 nd floor girl's bathroom where Chamber of  secrets was situated. He did not see the Moaning Myrtle and assumed that she gone somewhere. He sat down on stone thinking .

He didn't know for how much time he was sitting there. Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him. As he was on edge, he had his wand out even before he knew. Seeing that it was Hermione, he lowered his wand a bit.

 " Harry, where were you? All of us were worried . Professor McGonagall was ready to arrange a search team to find you. And ......", Hermione went on rambling but Harry was half listening. He desperately wished to stop all this from happening .

 Then Hermione realised that Harry wasn't listening . She tentatively spoke out , " Harry ... Harry , Are you alright ? "

Harry broke out of his musings and spoke, " How can you expect me to be alright after all this ordeal ?"

 " No Harry , I don't expect you to be so . You have every right to be upset . " Hermione spoke calmly .

 "I really don't understand. Since my birth, the Fate has been toying with my life. She took away my parents , Sirius and each and every person I loved. Even Hedwig wasn't spared. I really wish to change all this. If I am given another chance , I will go to any lengths necessary to change the scenario. "

As soon as Harry stopped speaking , bright light filled the room and Harry and Hermione vanished before they could even react .

The fog and light faded away and Harry and Hermione realised that they were no longer  in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom but were in a golden room. Suddenly a woman in dazzling golden dress came in front of them . She said , " Don't worry . I mean you no harm . I am Fate or otherwise known as Destiny . I will give you another chance as you demanded. Besides I did really give you a lot of grief in this life. " A smile was playing on Destiny' s lips. She proceeded ," I have got Hermione to help you as it will be difficult for you to do it without her. So Harry and Hermione do you accept my offer ?"

           Harry and Hermione said, "Yes" in unison. Destiny said, " It will be your rebirth. But you will have memories of this life as well as the one of the life you will be living . Harry you will take place of Harry Charlus Potter, James cousin who was supposed to die during attack on Orphanage, but now he will survive. Hermione , your role will be that Daniel Granger's younger sister Rosaleen Hermione Granger, who was supposed to die in fire. You will receive memories the moment you enter your body . Harry you will wake up in St. Mungos whereas Hermione you in Muggle hospital. You be eleven again and in 1972 . You will meet each other eventually ." 

Hermione asked , " But won't changing time be dangerous ? "  Destiny reassured ," No, I am supporting it. But remember trust each other more than your life . Reveal as little as possible . But remember you will die a month before 31st of July 1980. You have 8 years in your hand. Use time wisely. Take care. "

Harry and Hermione nodded at each other and wished best luck . Then with a flash of light they vanished.  

Hope you like it!! I will upload another chapter as soon as possible. Forgive for mistakes , if any. Suggestions and ideas are welcome.


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