Chapter Thirty Four

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"Is this selfish?" Alec asked. "Me doing this now, maybe we should postpone this. Just until we find her."

"No." Wesley shook his head. "Absolutely not. Alec, you may be her brother, but I am her soulmate. If I of all people am telling you to go through with this, go through with it. Because I know Clary, I know the woman that I love, and I know that without a shadow of a doubt that Clary would want you to do this. Besides, if you do this, If you do this to stay with your soulmate, if you show her it's possible, maybe she'll choose to stay with me."

Wesley looked down at his feet, Alec could see how much the man was hurting. Alec could tell how much the Warlock loved his sister, how much it was killing him to be so uncertain of her fate.

"Let's do it. And then let's go find my sister." Alec told him. Wesley did his best to smile and patted Alec on the shoulder again before gripping it and leading him into the room.

There was a large pentagram on the ground and Tessa was standing at one of the points. Raphael, Magnus and Catarina were standing against the wall near the door. Wesley led Alec to the middle of the pentagram, making him bypass the three that were lined up against the wall.

Wesley took Alec by the shoulder and directed him on how to stand, making him stand sideways so that he wasn't facing either Tessa or Wesley. Wesley squeezed Alec's shoulder and then moved to the other point on the pentagram.

"Ready, Alec?" Tessa asked.

Alec turned to take a long look at Magnus. Magnus was watching him intently; he was wringing his hands and his eyes were wide and unglamoured. He looked so hopeful, yet so afraid. It was like he was terrified to have hope. He then looked at Raphael, who he could tell was trying his hardest to look bored but couldn't hide the worry and concern in his eyes.

Alec could tell his family wouldn't be able to show their happiness until he woke up with his magic and his mark, alive and safe.

"I'm ready." He nodded, turning back to look at the wall.

"Okay." Tessa said quietly.

She and Wesley held up their hands and gestured grandly, letting their magic run through Alec and into the pentagram. The pentagram lit up a bright green as the pair began to chant in a language that Alec had the sudden feeling he should recognize.

He gasped as a burning sensation went through him and his eyes fluttered closed as the scalding hot, burning feeling started to build. It started in his toes, through his feet and up his legs. It touched every part of him and left a tingling feeling in its wake. It wasn't necessarily a good kind of tingling. It wasn't like the tingling feeling that Magnus gave him when they were in bed together, when he leaned over him and ran his hands over every inch of him or ran his lips down his neck and across his chest. It wasn't like that.

It was almost like a fluttering or a kind of slithering feeling, like there was a snake running through his veins and it was making him lightheaded. Everything else got blocked out, the sounds of his friends chanting, Magnus' worried voice asking questions, Raphael telling his father to shut up and let them work. Everything was blocked out, until there were hands grabbing his own. Another set of hands took his shoulders and pushed him to turn and walk.

Alec tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't, his ears were ringing and he just followed the hands that were leading them. He recognized them as Wesley's, and he assumed that Tessa was the one pushing him forward.

Together, the two people that had their hands on him, eased him into bed and under the covers. He laid there for a moment before he felt a cup at his lips, he drank what he was given. It didn't taste wonderful, but it was bearable. The person took the cup away and gave him another one. He went to drink it, eagerly, ready to be finished, but he choked on the taste and went to spit it out as reflex. But then there was an iron grip on his chin, he recognized the fingers, it was his husband. Magnus gripped Alec's chin and tipped the cup again, this time Alec drank everything he was given.

Not by Blood - BEING REWRITTEN IN SEPARATE STORYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon