✨"I Love You But You Give Me All Your Hate, In Return"✨

Start from the beginning

After an hour, I heard some sounds from the living room. I unlocked the room and went downstairs. I found Emilia shouting at Troy, Damon's driver. "Give me that. I will give her by myself", Emilia wanting those files. Troy wasn't ready to hand those over to her.

'Good Job'

"Troy, I'm here. Give me", I asked for files. He nodded and hand it over to me. As he left, I went to my room.

'Emilia wants those file. Why?... Maybe to...'

"That girl is flying so High. We have to cut his wings, do that she fall and never has courage to stand up", I faintly heard Sofie talking about me. "Yes Mom, I will destroy her everything. Her wish of living, her wish of breathing", Emilia added.

'What they are planning this time?'

In Evening, Damon came to our house along with Logan. Damon was busy with Uncle and Aunt Sofie about their marriage, Logan successful escaped from them and entered into my room. "How are your fever now?", he asked. I, sometimes made my own room little messy. He was at first shock as his eyes fall on my messy room. I laughed and asked 5 minutes to arrange my room.

"I never thought of seeing your room messy like that", Logan said laughing. "I know, but sometimes happens", I said, as it was depending on my mood or my situation.

"Do you know they will marry day after tomorrow? I get to know about this yesterday. Don't you know that?", Logan asked, looking disappointed. I smiled and said,"I don't have any interest on their fake marriage. It's fake cause, everyone will know that he is marrying Amelia, but in reality he is marrying Emilia". Logan nodded having my candies. "Come on, those are mine", I exclaimed pouted at him. He pinched my nose and ran away. I started to chase him. "Logan Reed, return my candies", I shouted him as we reached to the living room where catching was quite difficult.

He was hiding behind everywhere and running quite fast.

"That great! You're here, Emilia", I turned to the source of this voice. Damon Reed. He stood up and said,"Let's go then". Emilia tried to eliminate me,"But Emilia wasn't ready yet". Logan said putting his arm over my shoulder,"But she is perfect in this outfit. She is look cute", he said pinching my nose again. I tried to bite his hand. I lifted my eyes and found Damon glaring at me, which wasn't new at all. But that was for a second, it was vanished and replaced by a melting smile.

'What's his problem? Is he having Bipolar Disorder'

We got into the car. Logan took seat beside me in the back seat.

"Isn't Samantha coming today? Lily told me yesterday", I asked Logan. I missed her, because of Damon, I got to spend sometime with her.

'I curse you, Damon Reed'

"She can't come today. But she will be here by tomorrow. Wait a minute, you met Lily? Yesterday? When?", Logan asked glancing at me.

'Like his brother!'

"Dominic invite me to his home where I met Lily", I didn't tell him about being admitted in hospital. "Why didn't you invite me too?", He asked shouted at me. I pouted and replied slowly slowly,"After dinner, we planned to invite you and Michael but Dominic got an emergency call from hospital and left. So, Lily decided that we should have some girl time. So we didn't invite you". "This is bad. As you get my sister, you forget about me. You're bad, worst bestest best friend", he said angrily and pouted like a little child.

A laughter brought us out of our thoughts. Damon laughed. I smiled along with Logan. "Do you know Emilia, I started to get jealous on you, cause only you, you can make Logan behave cute like that?", Damon said. "Your brother is always yours. Just you need to break the wall between you two", I advised him. He nodded understanding it. "Don't talk to him. Don't forget that he kicked you out in rain. You could've fallen seriously ill. Does he ever feel guilty?", Logan said making Damon feeling guilty, maybe.

'I don't know'

"It wasn't Damon's fault. It's her fault. She shouldn't ha-", Emilia tried to say something, but Logan totally cut him off. "Just Shut Up! Did I ask you something? Didn't you mother teach you that you shouldn't interfere in the matter between 2 brothers. If my brother didn't choose you, then you would never get chance to set your foot in this car or in our life. I WILL NEVER ACKNOWLEDGE YOU AS MY SISTER-IN-LAW CAUSE YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT. A GIRL LIKE YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT", Logan yelled at him.

The car stopped with a jolt. A hand came towards Logan's direction but didn't touch him. I stood up and became his shield. Damon slapped me or maybe tried to slap Logan just for Emilia.

I chuckled holding my red cheek. A gasp left from Damon's mouth. I chuckled at him or at his situation. "Do you know Damon, you can't able to break the wall between you two, cause you give your more attention to other than your brother or your own family? Not only Logan disappoints at your actions, your mom also. You know what, you don't deserve your family. Have you ever spend a little bit of time with your mother, who contributed her own life for you, your father, your siblings and your better life? Your life is given to you by your parents, not the girl beside you", saying I got down from the car.

'You let Emilia get all your attention, not knowing anything about her... I love you but you give me all your hate in return... I hope your marriage go well... Be happy with her'

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