"Yikes."said Seth who was sitting near the two.

"You do know thats my best friend you're talking about."said Chris.

"So what?"

"Be CAREFUL about how you speak of him."

Miz rolled his eyes, "What I said was true. He and Sami has done literally nothing to earn their stripes yet. No wonder why he's your best friend, he's just like you. Lazy and undeserving."

"Wow you win one elimination round and you think you're the king of everything right?"said Chris, "I don't need to prove anything to you."

"One elimination round? Im undefeated in eliminations! Ive been into eliminations twice since I started doing Challenges Chris, how many times have you been into eliminations? Once! Fucking once! Im about to go in a third time and guess what, I'm going to remain undefeated."

"Oh wow, you're undefeated in eliminations. Thats not going to get you any money my man. Between the two of us, who's actually been in the finals?"

"And you only made it there because of your girlfriend."

"Jealous that your girlfriend couldn't get you there too?"

"You are so egotistical when you have absolutely no right to be. You don't even deserve to be here this long. All you do is act like some sort of prophet. Somehow you always manage to slide right past the hard work and get straight to the top you undeserving piece of trash."

"You hate me cuz you aint me Miz."

"Lets not even start with that because you're a goddamn rip off of me-"

"Me? Rip off? Of you?"Chris scoffed, " And you're calling me egotistical-"

"Since when do you do talk shows? Since when did you become a host? That was my thing! And you stole it from me!"

"Oh my god, so is Ellen and Oprah ripping you off too? Lets talk about the fact that you started ripping me off by wearing fancy and unusual jackets!"

"Oh don't even go there!"

Seth rolled his eyes.

VC-Seth-I feel like I'm listening to two high school girls argue right now.

"You know what, when I come back from eliminations, I want you in there."said Miz, "I will do everything in my power to get you or your boyfriend Kevin in there. Its unfair that I have to work so hard while you just sit and play God all day."

"You have to work hard all the time because you suck ass! You suck, you're a quitter, your partner's an idiot-"


"Whats going on here?"asked Trish as she intervened.

"Miz was just saying how much he's jealous of me, thats it."said Chris.

"I think its bedtime Chris, your mommy's here to put you to sleep. Make sure to burp him Trish."

Chris got up from his seat, "Its not my fault I'm so damn good at what I do, maybe you should learn from me, junior."

"Go to hell Chris."

VC-Chris-I have zero time for Miz, he's not a threat to me at all. He's a horrible Challenger. And just because he's bad at this game he thinks that I should feel the repercussions of his actions. Like I said, its not my fault that I'm a genius. Miz, you just need to be better.

VC-Miz-Chris is really starting to get on my nerves. All he does is play puppet master. Im tired of him just getting by by doing absolutely nothing. He has done nothing to prove that he belongs here and quite frankly, I'm sick of seeing his face.

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