6. Help

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Shouts were heard. Shouts which he just couldn't really understand, with his feverish mind. His body felt moved the sudden movement. A groan was coming out of his mouth as the sudden movement made him feel both dizzy as well a headache.


That voice was familiar to him, but he just couldn't put where he heard this male voice before.


Merlin tried to get his eyes open, but they were feeling heavy. Like glued together but he wished he could.


After this he blacked out again, feeling more feverish now...


His mind slowly wakes up but he still slightly feverish and he wondered what had happened. The last thing he remembered was getting chased by a mob of people and then nothing. That was why he opened his eyes and he felt confused. He was at a cave. One which he was before the crystal cave. A few hushed voices were heard and they sounded familiar.

"Ah, your finally awake Emrys."

This made him turn his head towards the person who called him. The person looked around his age but wearing strange clothes. Like the once his brother and John wore. The young person was one head smaller, -had black hair with one half long and the other half short, eyes were Azure yet dark blue. The expression showed relief.

"Who are you?"

The teen had a soft expression now and let out a sigh as walking up to him. This teen was making him feel weirdly contacted. Like he felt a the want to protect him. 

"I am -um- Bentley. I was sent back here by my Uncle to help. You...wouldn't have survived."

The teen-which he knew now was name Bentley- replied softly. Fear had flashed through his eyes. There was a strange tug felt. One that made him feel once again the want to protect and pull the teen in a hug. It felt like a connection and this confused him.

"O-oh wait your Uncle? How does he know about my name and how can you know my name?"

The teen opened his mouth but closed it again. Confliction was now seen in his expression.

"I can't tell you, sorry."

Bentley was biting his lips, as well as rubbing the back of his head. A guilt-ridden expression was seen right now. This made him feel like he had done something horrible.

"It's alright, you don't need to explain. But I need to know something are you an alley or an enemy of Arthur?"

The teen blinked in surprise, then chuckled, and in the end, he heard have a giggle fit. This was adorable and he awed now at this. It took a moment for the said teen to calm down. A fond expression was seen almost as he had met him before.

"No, of course not. I would and could never harm Arthur. My Uncle was suddenly having a new memory, which isn't common and he knew that I would manage to help out. I am a druid. Not to mention you kind of disappeared."

He said, with proudness and he nodded at this. At least he knew that this stranger was not a threat. And that stranger just said something odd at the end of this. It almost sounded like they knew each other, but that couldn't be. Which meant just one thing...could he come from the future?

"Jesus you scared the living hell out of everyone. Your lucky that Bentley was there or you would have been deep underground now."

This made his head snap to his father figure. Head tilted in puzzlement and as well furrowed brows in confusion.

"You had a high fever Mer. We would have lost you."

Footsteps approached now which belonged to Arthur. The male was walking up with an emotionless expression. Until he was in front of him and pulling him into a sudden hug. This made his eyes wide as he gaped now. The body was felt shaking and he felt something wet on his clothes. This made him realize that Arthur was crying and guilt started to gnaw heavy on him. So that he hugged him back and rubbing soothing circles.

"I am sorry for worrying you, Arthur."

Right now he couldn't use the nickname he usually would call him. Arthur clung just more and he waited for the other male to calm down. And when he calmed down both pulled away. Before his brain could register he felt something soft on his lips. Now he realized that Arthur was kissing him. His eyes widen first but soon he closed his eyes and kissed back. It was sadly short lift as he felt the lips leave his. Eyes slowly opened and he felt flustered now.

"Never and I mean never do that ever again."

All he could muster was a nod as he was way too surprised at this. A happy surprise to him, but it took him a moment to realize that Arthur had kissed him.

"W-wait do you...?"

He couldn't talk well and Arthur chuckled as ruffling his hair now.

"Yes or why else would you think I would kiss you. When I realized that your fever wasn't going down and you could die, I just couldn't bear it. So I decided to show you and tell you that I fell for you."

All he could do was gape at Arthur. A cough was heard so that he felt his entire face lit up in embarrassment.

"I know that your happy and all, but please don't stress him out. I just got his fever down enough to make it none life threatening."

Arthur looked sheepish now and he just couldn't believe that right now he heard the love confession of the one he always loved. It seemed that Pierson was right.

"I am sorry."

This was a first and he stared now at Arthur. The male let out a huff at this and gave him a look that told him, say something and your work will get upped.

"Anywho, he needs rest. You can talk and be mushy when he feels better."

A pout formed and he pulled Arthur into a hug. Right now he needed someone who he can hug. And Arthur was the only one near him.

"Don't care, want to have someone who I can cuddle with."

He muttered and felt Arthur chuckle and hugging him back.

"Fine, but don't do anything else."

A sigh escaped, a hand was felt going through his hair, and at some point, he relaxes and started to fall asleep once more.


A week later he finally was back on his feet and it was all thanks to Bentley. The said teen was someone bright, yet at times he was really sassy. There was as well at times where he was calling Arthur names, which he never said in front of the said teen.

Bentley as well saw the positive and loved to goof around. Almost as he had met someone who was like him. There was as well the fact that he loved to talk about anything related to magic, medical knowledge, medical plants, or plants in general.

"I can finally go back now. I know what spell my Uncle used."

It was morning and he smiled softly now at the teen. God will he miss him, but something told him that he would see him somewhen in the future.

"Thank you. I wouldn't be here without you. I will miss you, Bentley."

He pulled the teen in a tight hug and the said teen hugged back. He pulled soon away and saw Bentley smile softly now at him.

"Your welcome, Merlin. Just try to stay out of trouble the same goes for you, Cabbage head."

Arthur huffed out and shook his head in exasperation, but not really looking annoyed more amused as well.

"Yeah, yeah. Take care as well."

A grin stretched on him and he saw Bentley mirror it. The attention shifted now both to the four other people.

"You will be alright will you?"

This was asked by his mother and he smiled softly now. Those two got rather close the past week.

"Come here."

Bentley has done as he was told and was pulled into another hug by his mother. The teen hugged back. They left soon and he saw her holding the tears done.

"Don't cry, please. It will make me cry as well."

A sigh was heard from the said female as he saw her wipe away the tears.

"Can't help it."

Bentley smiled softly now and was seen turning his attention to the three other people, Sherlock, John, and Gaius.

"I guess that will be it now."

Was what he heard John say and he mused a bit at this. Sherlock had stayed indifference but from the eyes, he could see that Sherlock was feeling a bit sad as well.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing you two."

They gave each other as well a goodbye, with John giving the teen a hug and Sherlock a nod. Gaius and he exchanged some goodbyes as well, with Gaius ruffling the teen's hair. With this, he said some unknown world, and as soon as they were heard, the room suddenly got bright, so that he had to close his eyes. When he opened them again. He saw that Bentley disappeared. Merlin would miss the teen and let out a sigh.

They started to pack now and his mother went back to his hometown and the other four ended up having to ride back. At least he was now back healthy. The time flew until something really bad went over but not just Camelot...

1576 words

Sherlock is a warlock? (Johnlock and Merthur) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now