3. A bad omen

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Merlin was beaming and feeling happy- even after coming back entering the chambers of Arthur. 

That he managed to talk with both John and Pierson made his day. This was probably the best day of his entire life. And he adored Piers even more now that he had talked with the mentioned male. 

His brother was so cool and John was really nice. But there was some weird tension between the two males. He couldn't put what tension it was, and so Merlin shrugged it off. 

When he closed the door, Arthur turned around. The expression on the male was soft and the smile had the same softness. It was strange to him, but it made his heart skip a beat in joy. This smile was just reserved for him. And he meant it for him. Like not even Gwaine -the best friend of Arthur- got a smile like this. Yes, an amused smile but never really a soft or genuine one.

"So everything went well I presume?"

He beamed as an answer. Something about Arthur was odd now. Cheeks were slightly flushed and he was confused at this. Could his king ended up getting sick or something?

"Are you alright sire?"

A pout soon adored at the questioned male and he realized that he called him sire. It was clear why Arthur right now had that pout and he forgot about this. Habits were not that easy to break and usually, he was just calling him sire when he was concerned for the male. Or when he was serious. It was just something that showed Arthur how he was feeling.

"Yes, I am and how many times did I tell you to call me by my title. Never call me, this even when we are in front of people."

A huff was heard afterward and he nodded. Still feeling a bit puzzled at the flustered cheeks he had seen on the latter male.

"Just get this over with."

He nodded and started to help Arthur out of his clothes and then into his sleeping gear. His eyes couldn't help to subtle at his good looking body. The said male seemed as obvious as ever and god was he glad for it.

"Anything else you need me for, Arthur?"

He stepped aside as waiting for what Arthur wanted him to do. Maybe he would need to muck out the stables or maybe he had to clean his armor or sharpen his sword. Maybe even having to repair the armor. 

"That would be everything. Your excused and get some rest."

It took his brain for a moment to hear what Arthur just told him. Did he just really told him that he was excused? What was going on? His king never has said something like this. So he blinked and stared at the male in pure awe and puzzlement.

"Are you...sick?"

He couldn't help to ask as this was way too odd and way too unusual. The question male looked at him now and folded his arms.

"No, and stop with your thought process. Can't I be for once nice to you?"

His eyes narrowed at this. What was this? Like seriously? Him being kind to Merlin? Nah, that was not something that he could imagine. Could it be that he was bewitched? Was he at some kind of spell? It wouldn't be too surprising with Arthur. How many times had he had to rescue him or break a spell? That much that he lost count by now.

"No, because you never were nice to me. Did you end up getting charmed or something?"

Arthur blinked and soon he saw him have that kind of glint in the eyes of the other, which made him shiver a bit. This was making the other male kind of hot- oh god. This was not something that he should think of right now. What was he a masochist or something? 

Never mind from his choices sometimes, it wouldn't be surprising. Like seriously. That wouldn't be too far fetched. He ended up in way too many painful sadistic situations and he had pissed off Arthur many times before. Maybe he had some masochistic tendency. 

"No, want to end on stocks, Merlin?"

The taunting tone was clearly heard and he shook his head. Wow, he really almost done it again. But this made him now wonder...why was Arthur still kind to him? Like what in Camelot's name is going on?

"I will go then. Um, see you in the morning."

He rushed out not even wanting to feel the wrath of an angry Arthur. The male can be a bit intimidating when he was angry. But at the same time as well ho- okay he really should stop with that thought. The male could never like him back like this.

Sherlock is a warlock? (Johnlock and Merthur) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now