1. What did just happen?

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Merlin was confused and startled. And it wasn't just him who felt like this....


A group of people was sitting at a round table. One of them was a raven-haired male. The male had short hair and a slightly lighter shade of blue eye color. Skin color relatively on the paler side and this made his eyes stand up more. Almost as if they were glowing. A was a bit smaller and feminine looking as the male next to the mentioned raven-colored male. His name was Merlin or -druid name Emrys.

Right next to Merlin was sitting a male with short blond hair and eye color as well a blue, just a bit in a darker shade. The male was a bit bigger in height and as well more buff looking than Merlin. His name was Arthur Pendragon the king of Camelot.

Both were sitting right next to each other. He was not just a manservant anymore, but as someone whose opinion was valued heavenly, by Arthur. The said male almost wanted to make him a knight. But he declined as he wanted to stay as a Arthur's servant. When he would be a knight, they wouldn't see each other as much, and that was something that he just couldn't bear. Anywho, his attention shifted now towards the two in front of him, Morgana and Mordred.

They were in a meeting, in the midst of a discussion on legalizing magic. Morgana and Mordred came back as soon as they heard about the legalization of magic. Of course, at first he was suspicious about those two, but soon he realized that they really were there to make peace. That was why those two were in that meeting.

But it was disrupted as suddenly two people appeared in the middle of the hole, of the table, with a thud. They both were males. An eerie quietness overcame the room and him with the other two magic users -one which was born with it a warlock and the other person was a priestess-, and druid were blinking. All three came soon to the same conclusion that this was magic related. Soon there were an outburst of people yelling at each other. He groaned and hit his head on the table with a thud. God, why was it always that these situations had to happen? Not to mention in a effing meeting to legalize magic.

'Oh, Camelot help me...'

"You shouldn't do this. It will give you a headache."

One of the strangers said, with clear amusement, yet concern heard. The person had blond hair and a light blue eye. What else he observed was that this stranger was slightly favoring one leg. The said male as well was at the age around 20 years old.

This wasn't the only thing which was strange, the clothes both wore. Arthur was now standing up and pulling out his sword as pointing it at the person.

"Arthur wait."

He was now between the strangers and Arthur. His eyes were slightly golden now. Something about the second person seemed familiar. This person had the same black hair and the same eye color. Although this second stranger was a bit bigger in height. What was strange was how now the second stranger was swaying and suddenly losing their footing and landing on their ground with a thud.

"What? They clearly try to attack Camelot."

His eyes were narrowing now at Arthur and he heard him let out a groan. When they would try to attack them, they would have done that differently. Not to mention that one looked now really confused and their clothes matched nothing that he had ever seen before. The two seemed not like a threat and felt nothing like one. Merlin had seen way too many threats since coming to Camelot. And by now he could just tell with one look when someone was a danger to his king or the kingdom of Camelot itself. One was observing him closely and looked like he was seeing through him. This went not unnoticed by him and he had felt curious now.

"Do I have to remind you that not all are evil who use magic. And these two are clearly not here for any attack. And I think I know the black-haired male."

He slowly walked over and the black-haired male now stared at him. In the eyes, he saw recognition. This was making him just more curious now as he crouched down.

Sherlock is a warlock? (Johnlock and Merthur) Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora