2. The truth came out

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The people in the room stared at him and Sherlock knew why. It was obvious and he huffed out as he glared at the people in the room.

"Can't you see that I want to have this room alone for a few minutes? Did I really have to ask you all this?"

He huffed out and the people soon left the room, but not without them giving him a wary look. It was clear why, and he couldn't care less. Right now there were other things which he needed to worry now.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, you better explain now. And why in God's name do you look younger?"

He flinched slightly at the tone John used. It was one when he was really mad. When he had done something which ticked him off. And he guessed about the age thing that both de-aged when he used his magic.


Why had he right now show emotions? They are unnecessary, but it was more and more difficult for him not to accept his feelings for John. And now was one of these times were he couldn't push them away. John had the right for some explanation and he dragged the male into this mess.


He saw him folded his arms together and looked at him with an expected look and one that told him that he really should explain soon or the other male would explode. And an exploding Watson was, even when he wasn't wanting to say it out loud, scary.

"Alright, so it is a long story. And I will shorten it because we don't have that much time."

He let out a sigh and was trying to get the words out. How can he explain this? How can he tell John that he wasn't born in London, but born here in this age?

"I come from this time. I just now remembered after I lived here. Merlin is my two years younger brother. At that time I would have been executed, because of me having magic. So I used a spell and it backfired and made me lose my memories. I have never told anyone that I am actually an orphan. And it seemed that you ended up younger as well."

He paused a bit, and not looking at John. Sherlock wasn't even sure why he couldn't look at John. Now that he remembered, he missed his mother, Hunith. She was way kinder than the parents he had. Now that he was back, he could as well visit her.

"I know that it sounds far fetched. And I dragged you into this without realizing it. I usually wouldn't apologize, but you have the right...."

He locked up now and saw that John had wide eyes as he stared at him. Usually, he would find it amusing, but right now he just couldn't feel the amusement.

"I deeply apologize that I dragged you into this mess and I hope that you accept it of course."

He looked down now again and feeling more nervous. God, he probably messed it up. Now his last friend will leave him and he couldn't even blame him. Sherlock couldn't even believe that John stayed that long. Usually, people left him long ago. He was not easy and that was something that he knew.

"Oh, Sherlock. I accept your apology."

His head snapped up and he stared at John. The male had a soft expression and looked at him with a look that told him that John had accepted his apology. There was now silence and he had an idea. Maybe there was a way were he could help John with his leg. Maybe he could heal that phantom pain? Would that be even possible? He would have to talk to his brother as he was more knowledgeable than Sherlock was right now. No way had he thought that he would have someone who knew more than him. That thought came never over him.

"Wait so you have magic? And where are we?"

Usually, he would have been annoyed at Watson for asking these questions, but now he wasn't really annoyed. Right now he felt excitement bubbling up. So that he walked up and dragged him to one of the chairs. The two sat down and were now face to face.

"Yes. I was born with magic and I am a warlock. Right now we are in Camelot, probably. Remember the myth about Merlin and King Arthur?"

Watson hummed and nodded as he waited for him to continue what he was telling the latter male.

"So, it isn't just a myth. Camelot exists and as well as magic and all. When I escaped using magic or just having magic was the biggest crime you could have. And when you were found out, or to be rumored you would get burned on the stakes. So many people were executed who not even did something."

Sherlock is a warlock? (Johnlock and Merthur) Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat