Chapter 20: Winning

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3rd person POV
Todoroki sees Y/N with a cut on her cheek.

"What are you doing to Kami?" she asks with worry.

"Its nothing Y/N everything's fine. There's nothing to worry about." Kaminari said nervously; Y/N gave him the 'I don't believe you' look. "Well if there's nothing to worry about then why does Shoto have you smashed against the wall?" Oh shit, he is sooooo busted. "I-I accidentally said something that aggravated him, th-there's n-nothing t-to worry about." Kaminari said shaking and hoping Y/N won't call him and
Todoroki out. "Alright, if you say so. But Shoto, put Kami down. He isn't a rag doll." she said, turning around and walking away from the awkward situation behind her.

As soon as she was out of sight Todoroki slammed Kaminari against the wall again, except harder. "She even has a nickname for you now!" "Bro chill there's nothing wrong with nicknames, okay! Its what friends do." Kaminari says trying to get Todoroki's hands off his collar "If you make another move on Y/N, I'll freeze you solid!" Todoroki yells as he lets go of Kaminari's collar and walks away from him.

Time skip to where you're about to fight Todoroki

I was stretching out for my next battle and I started thinking of what was going on between Kami and Todoroki. If you're wondering why I called Todoroki by his first name is because I was mad at him that he had Kami slammed against the wall. I wonder what Kami said that pissed off Todoroki?

Speaking of Todoroki I have to face him. Good! At least I have a challenge, that last guy was disappointing. Not even a real challenge! I had to toy with them just to make it look like there was something going on.

"Y/N L/N!"

I'm on. I walk out and the crowd goes crazy; like even more crazy than before. I walk to the arena and saw Todoroki standing in front of me. I send him a death glare, I start to toy with his mind by sending him telepathic messages. 'Why did you hurt Kami?' 'I wonder what your conversation was about.' 'I wonder what Touya would think of this situation.' Then that's when I poked the bear. He sends me a huge ice attack but I end up slicing it with my tendrils, but he keeps sending ice after me. That's when I became really cruel. Guess.

'What would your mother think of this behavior?'

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!"

He then sends fire at me.
"Finally a real challenge!" I yell charging at him. He send both fire and ice towards me. I end up dodging the ice but absorb the fire in my tendrils and turning it into liquid. "Like my new move? I wanted to use it but I never found the perfect host." I said in a playful tone. The liquid squirts out of the tendrils and as it hits to ground, it burns it away. "Lava? That's new." Todoroki then sends large amounts of ice at me. I barely dodge the attacks but manage to get close enough to Todoroki where I can make a surprise attack from behind.

"You'll float too."

Tendrils then wrap around his waist, chest, thighs, arms, and legs, swinging him around in a circle. "Would you like to go for a spin?" I said, swinging him 'round and 'round until I let go and he goes flying into the wall. I then hear a bang and see Todoroki against the wall, stuck to it. I giggle at the sight of it; he looks ridiculous!

"L/N wins the battle! She'll move on to face Bakugou!"

The crowd screams with excitement. They cheer my name as I walk towards Todoroki. "I did what I had to do. Don't take it personal though, I never had a real challenge so." I grab hid legs and pull him off the wall; but he landed on me. "Get off me before I stab you where it hurts." I said glaring at him. He got off me quickly as possible; I can tell he wants to know how I knew about his mother and Touya. "By the way, you should really keep your conversations down. I heard your talk with Izuku. You don't know it; but you're like me," I said walking away from him then turning my head, looking back "I was also was abused to my breaking point." I said walking away, turning my head forward.

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