Chapter 11: USJ

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It was another day in... hell.

More quirk quizzes from Aizawa here we come.

I'm absolutely bored I can just pass this with a flick of my wrist!

But I have to do this for Uraraka. The only thing good out of this I get to use my quirk in public. *sigh* I wish we could go on a field trip or something interesting. "Today we'll be going to a rescue training facility." I'll be damned. As soon as he said that everyone as usual got up from their seats and started yapping. Is this what schools like for teachers? I feel bad for them, they don't even get paid enough!

Time skip cause my fingers are hurting 😣

We get into our costumes and I find a good spot where no ones looking and I take off my glove. I hate it. I hate everything about this, especially the symbol on it (the one above). Four gems, each with a picture they represent. The one with the wave 🌊 represented destruction, where most of the quirks I possess go with it. The other one with cracks is pain, that's what the quirks bring. One with vines wrapped around it is growth; like after a really bad storm and debris is everywhere, things feed of it and make it into something new. That's what the last gems represents, beauty. Like a rose or a Sakura tree. That's where the petals are from.

I start to hear Iida saying something about getting on the bus. Shoot! I put back on my glove and rush to the bus. I get on it just in time before it moved. The only seat left next to Todoroki. Great. I take my seat and try not to make eye contact with him. The whole ride felt boring except all the screaming from Bakugou. I think it's better if I just sleep. I lay my head back and close my eyes and the darkness take me.

Todoroki's POV
I was trying to sleep but all the screaming from Bakugou kept me awake. I then feel something shift on my shoulder. I look to see Y/N sleeping on my shoulder! I start to feel my face become hot. She looks so peaceful sleeping, it's... adorable. I wish this moment would last forever.

The bus comes to a stop at a round dome building. I shake Y/N to get up but she doesn't move, I keep shaking her for her to get up but she won't get up. Then she starts fidgeting like she's having a nightmare. Then she wakes up with a scared expression and gasping for air. "Its just a dream. Its just dream. Its just a dream. Right?" she then turns to me and gives me a threatening look "You saw nothing. You hear me?" she as she got up and left, I wonder what her dream was about that got this scared.

3rd person POV
The 1-A students walked towards a big dome building where the the rescue hero Thirteen was waiting for them. "Welcome to USJ!"

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