Chapter 7: All Might's Class

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Y/N's pov
After the little incident I figured that I might have to go a little easier on these heroes otherwise I'll get expelled just for calling out a teacher. I guess that's the only option since they want their jobs and don't want to be exposed.

We go on to the next class which I guess is All Might's teaching since he works here now. "I AM HERE, WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" I hear before All Might bursts through the door dramatically. I roll my eyes "You know that's not the way a "normal" person walks through a door." All Might then makes an embarrassed look. I wonder how the Symbol of Peace is embarrassed by something I said. I'm on a roll here!


We changed into our hero outfits (yours is the one above) I looked at my costume and I thought it couldn't get better than it already is. Except that it was skin tight. Not what I asked for, I turned to see Uraraka in her costume and complaining how skin tight it is to Izuku. I look around and see Kaminari. Cute costume, it reminds me more of pikachu. "Hey Kaminari!" "H-hey Y-Y/N." he said. Then I saw red appear on his face "Kaminari your face is all red! Are you sick?" I put my hand to his forehead, he's burning up! "Kaminari are you sick?" "N-no I'm perfectly fine Y/N!" He said "Are you sure you shouldn't go to Recovery Girl?" I ask. "N-no Y/N I-I'm okay." he said. If he says he's okay then I guess he's fine. "Hey why don't I call you Kami, I think it sounds, cute." I say with a smile "You don't mind do you?" "N-n-no I-I don't a-at all." he said. I didn't understand why he was still red.
(A/N: when doing pov, it will Denki, but everything else will be Kami)

Denki's pov
I'm still blushing! Y/N's such a caring girl, but I don't think she'll ever want be with a guy like me. She's so cute! I don't wanna look like a fool in front of Y/N, especially if All Might's teaching the class. Ugh!!! So much pressure! All Might starts explaining what we're doing and I start seeing a red haired boy with sharp teeth looking at Y/N. What's his deal anyways?

I start to feel like someone's looking at me. I look and see the same boy that sits behind me. He catches me looking back at him and then looks away, what's his problem? I walk over to him and tap his shoulder "Hello I don't believe we've met before, I'm Y/N L/N." I say holding out my hand "H-hey I'm Ejiro Kirishima." he says taking my hand and shaking it. "Why don't we become friends. You seem like the friendly type." I said looking into his red ruby eyes.

Time skip to Uraraka, Bakugo, Deku, and Iida's battle

I watched everything that happened, Bakugo was going all out on Izuku. Why isn't All Might doing anything?! Him and and that stupid smile. I turned away from the screen so I couldn't see any more of this when I hear Momo say Bakugo calculated his quirk into making it into a smoke screen. From what I know she's the only one calculating and no hero calculates during battle. "The only person that's calculating here is you, cause the way Bakugo is acting, I'm pretty sure he's only coming up with new attacks since Izuku predicted his other ones." I can sense everyone looking at me even All Might. "What? Don't you people pay attention to what happens during fights like these?" Suddenly the ground started shaking, I was starting to lose my balance, when I fell over I felt something or someone catching my fall.

I look behind me and see the same boy that Momo kept staring at except that his left side was covered with ice. "I'm sorry its just that I didn't know you were behind me." "Its alright." he helped me up onto my feet when I turn to the screen and see Uraraka almost puking while Iida was helping her out and Izuku was unconscious with a broken arm and a burned arm, Bakugo was standing there. I wish I was there to help, if only I wasn't a puppet, I would've help both of them. But the cameras would catch all the quirks I'd use.

Three of them came back and Izuku went to Recovery Girl. "ALRIGHT, YOU ALL DID EXCELLENT! BUT WHO REALLY PLAYED THEIR PART AND SHOWED ASPECTS OF WHAT TO DO IS TENYA IIDA! CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN WHY?" All Might says, well yells since I don't know if he knows how to spell clearly. Then Momo raises her hand "I can tell you sir." she said bringing her hand back down and then starts to blabber about who knows what. When she starts saying something about Uraraka, my blood starts to boil. She keeps talking something bad about Uraraka. Then a tendril comes out, forms a blade at the tip, then moves to Momo's neck. I spread a very dark aura in the room. "Talk shit about my sister and I'll put you on life support." I said as the blade moved closer to her neck, no one talks about Uraraka like that and gets away with it! "YOUNG L/N THIS IS NOT THE WAY OF A HERO, HEROES SERVE JUSTICE NOT GRUDGES!" All Might said trying to be cut while lowering the blade "Well if you're so smart then why don't we fight." I said wondering if the Number One Hero will have the guts to face me. "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS, I AM THE NUMBER ONE HERO OF COURSE!" "I'm positive, this'll be a piece of cake." "ALL RIGHTTY, THEN LETS GET TO IT!" he says putting his fist in the air; he thinks this is a joke?! Well then, might as well bring a party. "Why not bring some company with you, I think you're gonna need it." he looks at me shocked, this is gonna be fun! "W-WELL THEN ALL RIGHT, WHO WANTS TO JOIN?" no one raised their hand, what cowards. "Ahh, YOUNG KAMINARI, KIRISHIMA, AND TODOROKI. PERFECT!" I turn around to see Ejiro, Kami, and candy cane head boy who had their hands raised. What fun this'll be.

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