Chapter 10: Class Representative

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A/N: I'm sorry I forgot about the class representative so be prepared

3rd person POV
Today was like any day. Except at U.A., cause everyone was shaking with fear. Y/N had known that this was the time to pick class representatives. Everyone kept thinking that Aizawa might do another quirk test, since the other one was somehow exhausting.

"Alright today you're picking your class representative and class deputy." (I don't know the other one) he said, everyone was relieved that it was just normal school stuff. "Just pick who ever is the right person after my nap." then he got into his sleeping bag, zipped it up, and went to sleep. After he did that everyone started bursting out into chaos. "Pick me" "I know you bastards wanna pick me!" "EVERYONE!" they look at Iida, he stated that voting 🗳 would be better than this ruckus.

Time skip to where the votes 🗳 are finished

The votes were finished and Midoryia had won. "You bastards! Why did you vote for him?!" "You obviously thought anyone would vote for you." "Hey look, Y/N tided with Midoryia."

Everyone looks at the board and that Y/N and Izuku had tided. "I know, why not make Y/N the class mom." "Yeah you're right Y/N kinda shows motherly behavior." "Class mom Y/N!"

I can guess why I'm the class mom, I treat some certain people with respect, I comforted Kirishima and Katsuki, I also stood for Uraraka, and not to mention that I stood up to Aizawa yesterday.

I walk to lunch lost in thought when I bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going you 1-A jerk!" I look to see a blonde boy with gray eyes, he must really hate 1-A. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm Y/N L/N from class 1-A." I said holding my hand out, he smacks it away "Why shake hands with a stuck up 1-A student?" he says with a smirk, I'm trying to be nice to this person and he has to go out of his way to treat me with disrespect me?!

I grab his face and look in his head. Neito Monoma huh? This will be hilarious.

"Look Monoma I'm just trying to be nice to you. I don't want to be here, okay? I'm just here because my sister wanted me to be here. So if you're gonna give me attitude, I can make your nightmares come to life with the snap of my fingers. You got that?!" he nods his head in fear. People these days.

"I'm just trying to be nice as possible. But this place makes me angry that almost everyone here just came here for fame and money." I look down to the floor "I don't want any trouble, I want to get in, get on with it, and get out." he stills looks at me scared, I can sense it. "Lets start over, I'm Y/N L/N." "Neito Monoma, 1-B student." "Why don't we have lunch together with your class, I would love to meet them." I say with a smile. Maybe this boy won't be so bad.

We get our lunch and walk over to where his class is sitting. "Monoma why are you with that 1-A student?" "Yeah, I thought you were better than that." "I'm surprised you aren't being mean to her." and they get talking and talking about how Monoma isn't like this or how Monoma isn't like that. "That's because she's different from those 1-A brats." he said, I started to think about Uraraka and that's she's in the same class as me. I'm not letting anyone talk about my sister like that! "You can talk shit all you want about 1-A, but no one is allowed to talk about my sister like she's trash, you hear me?" "Y-yes ma'am!" "I get it where you say that they're brats, one of them is a pain in the ass." after I said they all started to shroud me with compliments on how a 1-A student never talks about their classmates, how their lives are perfect, and how I might be the first person to do that. I kinda liked here, they acted very kind to me.

"Shouldn't we have a 1-A student we can talk trash about behind their backs?" I said with a sly smirk, then they started staring at me with shock, then the shock became darkened smirks across their faces. "Oooo, who would this poor individual?" "Why not Momo?" (Please don't hate me for this I just don't really like her, I'm not saying that you should to the only thing that I agree with is that she can provide with things that the others need and that she's like a mom. What bothers me is that if you want people to not look at you with hunger in their eyes, COVER UP THE SKIN GIRL! Sorry I had to get that off my chest.)

"You mean that black haired girl that the grape head keeps staring at?" "Oh, mean Mineta, the pervert that's been staring at every girl in the classroom? How could I not forget." I said with an annoyed face, that grapefruit has been staring since we started school. We started talking smack about life and how unfair it is. Being with these people lets me let out my rouge side, or my devil side. Tetsutetsu has the same quirk as Kirishima! I'm starting to wonder if they could be like brothers.

Everyone in class 1-B is really nice once you start looking past all the negativity towards class 1-A. Kendo has been a sister to me. She's like the classes big sister.

"Security level breached code 3." (I forgot the lines)

Everyone was running and pushing people around. I couldn't breathe! I used my quirk to attach to the ceiling and see that the press was outside pass the gates! How did they get past the doors?! Maybe it was that blue hair guy with a hand across the street I saw earlier when I walked to school this morning?
I walked to school when I was swarmed by the press. "Ma'am! Could you tell us what's it like to have All Might as a teacher?" "Excuse me miss, but do you know why he started working here?" "Do you what's it like for All Might to work here?" "Do you-" "SHUT UP YOU'RE GIVING ME A HEADACHE!!! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULLSHIT!!!!!" I screamed at the the top of my lungs. Why won't they shut up! I try to find a way out of the mob when I get a glance of a man dressed in black with light blue hair and a hand on his face across the street looking at the school. Weird?
Flashback over:

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN ITS JUST THE PRESS! EVERYTHING'S FINE! WE'RE U.A. STUDENTS, WE SHOULD ACT LIKE ONE!" I look and Iida and see the position he's in. I hold in a giggle, he looks so ridiculous!

Time skip

After all the chaos, I saw Izuku and Momo standing in front of the class. "Alright time to do the class procedures." "Ok, but I have an announcement to make. I thought about this a lot." It was only a couple of minutes. "I want to give this role to Iida, he showed leadership and knew how about the press. He stopped the chaos in the hallways." Aww, that's sweet. Izuku really knows a human being when he sees one. "Thank you Midoryia, I humbly except the role." And that's where the classes big brother came to be, good old Exit Sign Iida.

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