36 | brave for love

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William clutched his head. He was in so much pain that he couldn't understand it himself. It was like the entire blood in his body had travelled to his head and the bones were now constricting to come together, causing him to lose his oxygen. His entire body twisted and turned on the couch until he finally let out a scream, withering in pain

"Try to relax. Think of nice things," Harvey suggested holding both of William's wrists, thus preventing his movement.

"It hurts! I can't. Why does it hurt so much?" William began to cry as he tilted his head to look at the ceiling of Harvey's house.

Harvey had taken the responsibility to treat him for the time being and invited him to stay with them. William was hesitant at first because he feared Eliza's reaction but when the pain in his head grew more and more, he couldn't help anymore and accepted Harvey's offer.

Eliza wasn't home. She had gone for a walk and William felt like she was the only medicine he needed right now.

"When is she coming back?" he groaned in a muffled voice.

"She isn't going to help you, William. She wants you to go."

"I'm not going anywhere until she chooses to marry me."

He was tired of explaining the same thing over and over again. He couldn't understand why Eliza was so adamant about her decision. He was in so much pain but he would rather prefer dying than living without her.

Just then, they heard the sound of the front door open and a soft whistle entered the room. William opened one of his eyes to see Eliza entering the hall. She wore her white sweater and black jeans and the moment she looked at him, she stopped whistling and stood to stare at him.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked, turning to her father.

"His migraines are getting stronger. His blood pressure is increasing and he might be on the verge of dying," Harvey responded, not taking his eyes off William.

"Why don't you take him to a real doctor?" Eliza suggested and Harvey looked at her with amusement.

"You think a doctor can cure him? No, sweetheart. No doctor in this world can do that."

Eliza didn't say anything and William felt her eyes on him as the pain in his head blinded him to her sight.

"Let me help him," she said suddenly and he felt comfort wash over him. That's the best thing he heard the entire day.

"You can't help him, honey," Harvey interrupted her but she had already removed his hands from William's wrists.

"I can. You can go, Papa. He will be fine," she ordered her father and William heard a thoughtful "Hmm" from Harvey in response.

"Take care of him. I am going to make a call to Lorna. I need her suggestion," Harvey said and William heard his footsteps retreating as he left the room. He forced himself to sit up as soon as Harvey was out.

He struggled to open his eyes but when he managed a tiny bit, he saw Eliza standing between his legs and as he watched, he saw her hands travel to his neck and she pressed her fingers in a certain spot that made him moan as the pain came to a halting stop, just for a moment.

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