Chapter 27: Beautiful Trauma. [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

     "First of all: there's no way that we're naming our sons after your father or brothers. Second: you actually want to name one of our sons a name that literally means 'son of the Devil?'" Lastly: I told you that we're not naming any of our children after comic books characters."

     "I'll have you know that none of those names came from comic books. I got Fred and George from the Harry Potter books. While Dracule and Toshinori are from different anime." Lucifer rolls his eyes, "If we have one boy and one girl maybe Helel Jordan for the boy and Yvaine Aurora for the girl."

     "Helel..." Lucifer's feathers puff up with pride, "I do like the idea of naming our son after me. Yvaine means 'the evening star' and Aurora means 'dawn'." He smiles at his etam, "I like both of those names. Although, I feel like you're tricking me with the name Helel Jordan."

     Jean gives Lucifer her best innocent look, "Who me? Trying to trick my handsome hubby? Nah." Lucifer chuckles in amusement then kisses her passionately on the lips.

     A week passes by and Jean is starting to get cabin fever from being stuck inside of Bobby's house. The older hunter won't let her go anywhere; not even to the grocery store whenever she's having food cravings. Instead Castiel, Ellen, Jo, or Sheriff Jody Mills bring her whatever it is that she's craving; within reason, of course. They absolutely refuse to bring her chalk or anything else non-edible that she may be craving. Bobby has even had to hide the coffee grounds because he caught her eating some of it.

     One day, Dean and Sam stop by Bobby's to check on Jean and to see if Bobby has any leads on a hunt for them. Jean walks down the stairs and into Bobby's study. She's wearing the maternity shirt that Dean got her for Christmas; the one with a picture of a watermelon over her belly and the words 'Don't Eat Watermelon Seeds.' Bobby is telling the boys about a vengeful spirit case in Utah when Jean interrupts. "Hey, guys!" The three men turn to look at her, "Look what I can do!" She lifts her shirt to reveal her swollen belly. Jean has drawn two eyes and a nose above her belly button which acts as the face's mouth. She then begins to whistle The Andy Griffith Show theme while sucking in and then puffing out her stomach, making it look like the face on her stomach is whistling.

     Once she's done, Bobby facepalms, Sam is looking at her in concern, and Dean is chuckling. "You two, take your idjit sister with you before she loses what's left of her sanity."

     "All right!" Jean cheers, covering her belly with her shirt. "Road trip! Let me go get my travel bag!" She then hobbles off to her temporary room to pack. Being almost twenty-one weeks pregnant with twins, Jean is having trouble getting up and down stairs now. Once she makes it to the top of the stairs she quickly; or as quickly as a woman in her condition can; packs a duffel bag with everything that she will need. She then walks to the upstairs bathroom to wash the body paint off of her stomach before heading back downstairs to the study with her bag. "So, where are we going?"

     Dean turns to Jean with a permanent marker in his hand while Sam stands up from the couch and takes her bag from her. "Rutherford, Utah for a simple salt and burn. But before we go, I have to draw the warding sigil on your arm to make sure Lucifer doesn't show up without an invitation."

     Jean lifts the left sleeve of her shirt and Dean begins to draw the Enochian symbol on her arm. "This only keeps Luci away physically, you know. He can still visit me in my dreams."

     Bobby grumpily says, "There's nothing we can do about that...unfortunately."

     Thirty minutes later, the Winchester siblings say their goodbyes to Bobby and walk outside to the Impala. Jean is walking ahead of her brothers, eager to finally be going somewhere. Dean suddenly laughs loudly causing Jean to stop and turn around to face him. "What's so funny?" she asks him.

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