chapter 9

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The more time Wonwoo spent with Sana the more he realised that he only liked guys. He had to tell her before they got serious.

He paced back and forth at the cafe until Sana came and they both sat down.
"I have to tell you something" they both said at the same time. They laughed.
"You go first" she said.
"Oh... um I'm gay" Sana looked at him and burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Wonwoo asked confused.
"I was going to tell you I'm a lesbian" they both look at each other and started laughing.
"Oh gosh... we're so bad at relationships" Wonwoo said.
"Well over all the time we've spent together it really felt like we were becoming best friends... so best friends?"

And that was how Sana and Wonwoo became best friends.

Jun, Minghao, Jeonghan, Joshua, Wonwoo and Sana were all at karaoke. Wonwoo was on Sana'a back rapping to Haru Haru whilst jeonghan and Joshua were singing, jun and Minghao were dancing and the food they had went cold.

Sana dropped Wonwoo off of her back.
"Ok my turn!" She stood on one of the chairs and started singing Ice Cream Cake by red velvet. The rest of them sang and rapped along.

Wonwoo and Sana sat down as the rest of them sung.
"So... got anyone you like?" Wonwoo was caught of guard by that question.
"Um.. kind of"
"Who!? Tell me!"
"My ex... Kim Mingyu"
"The rapper? That bitch" she saw his face turn into a weird expression. "Sorry" she laughed.
"What about you?"
"I'm still meeting people, but hey, we should go to a club.. maybe find some potential boyfriends and girlfriends"
"Sure, why not" they grabbed the gang and headed to a club.

Jun and Minghao were making out at some corner of the club, Jeonghan and Joshua were drinking, water not alcohol.
Because they both had to drive everyone home.
Sana was dancing on the floor with some random girl.
And Wonwoo was sitting at the bar.. all alone. He looked into the dance floor and saw Mingyu standing there. His eyes widened.
"Sana!" He found her. "Mingyu's here help!"
"Drink this" she gave him a cup with some sort of alcohol in it.
"What? Why!?"
"Liquid confidence duh" she tipped a little into his mouth spilling some on his shirt.
"Sana! My shirt is gonna smell like alcohol now"
"Just drink it!"
"Fine" he drank it all.
"Ok now repeat after me.. 'I will go talk to Kim Mingyu and have him in my bed by the morning'"
"What?! Sana!"
"Ok ok... just go!" she pushed him into Mingyu and Mingyu caught him.

"Uh hi"
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here with some..." he turned around to look at Sana who had her thumbs up. "Friends"
"Isn't that you're girlfriend?" Mingyu looked in her direction.
"No.. we broke up" suddenly the alcohol hit Wonwoo at 100 miles per hour.
"H-hey hot stuff" Wonwoo clung onto his arm.
"Are you ok?" Mingyu asked concern.
"When I'm with you I am" he winked. Mingyus face started to go red and for some reason Wonwoo started to act cute.
"Gyu~~~ I'm tired" Mingyu looked at him and blushed at the nick name Wonwoo called him.
"I'll take you home-"
"No! I wanna go to your house!"
"Wonwoo do you have any idea how risky that is?"
"I. Wanna. Go!" He started sulking.
"Gyu..." Wonwoo looked up at him with stars in his eyes. Mingyu sighed.

Mingyu was driving Wonwoo to his house when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wonwoo reaching out to him. He felt a kiss on his cheek.
"I really like you~~~" Mingyu chuckled.
"I like you too"
"A lot?"
"A lot"
They reached Mingyus house and Wonwoo laid down on the couch using his arms as a pillow.
"Won we need to get you different clothes your shirt smells like alcohol. Go take a shower"
"Ok..." Wonwoo went to the shower.
Mingyu found a shirt he had and some sweatpants. He knocked on the bathroom door.
"Sorry if the clothes don't fit"
Wonwoo opened the door with
A towel wrapped around himself and took the clothes.
"Thanks!" He came out of the shower with the shirt being oversized.

Mingyu went to the shower and when he came out he couldn't find Wonwoo.
"Wonwoo?" He walked into his bedroom and saw Wonwoo curled up in blankets on his side of the bed that he used to sleep on. Mingyu laid next to him. He was about to go to sleep when he felt Wonwoo wrap his arms around him.
"I love you Gyu" he said tiredly. Mingyu didn't know what to say. He didn't need to say anything, Wonwoo had already gone to sleep.

Mingyu slowly drifted asleep.

Mingyu woke up to see a sleeping Wonwoo on his chest. He looked down at him and smiled. Until he realised, last night Wonwoo was drunk, and they weren't dating. So Wonwoo would probably go back to normal by the morning. Mingyu really wanted to savour the moment so he just laid there for a while until he felt Wonwoo stir in his sleep. Wonwoo looked up at him and smiled.
"Hey Won" Wonwoo closed his eyes and put his hands to his head.
"Are you okay?"
"Do you have a hangover?" Wonwoo just nodded and tried to go back to sleep on Mingyus chest.
"If you'd let me get up I could make you soup" Wonwoo rolled to the other side of the bed and went to sleep. Mingyu chuckled and got up. He rung his manager.
"Can you get soup and hangover medicine sent to my house?"
"Mingyu... why?"
"Wonwoo's here"
"No scandals mingyu"
"I know, I know, but Wonwoo wasn't feeling himself last night and he has a headache"
"Fine" the manager sighed. "A car will drop it off in about 30 minutes"

Mingyu crawled back into bed with a Wonwoo and before he knew it Wonwoo was already curled up on his side. They heard the door bell ring and Mingyu groaned, falling out of bed and stumbling to the door. He took the bag from the man and went to the kitchen to heat up the soup. When everything was done he walked up to his room and placed the tray on the bed.
"Wonnie" Wonwoo rubbed his eyes and held his head.
"Here" he handed the soup to him and Wonwoo started to slowly eat it.
"Sorry if I said anything weird last night" Wonwoo said. Mingyu thought about Wonwoo's 'I love you'.
"You didn't say anything weird" Mingyu thought it was best not to bring it up since he probably forgot.
"Oh that's good. Or else I'd be super embarrassed" Wonwoo rambled a bit.
"Have I told you how much I miss this bed. It's so comfy" Wonwoo added. Mingyu smiled as he watched Wonwoo talk.
"Oh my god" he put a hand to his mouth. "I'm rambling, I'm sorry"
"Don't apologise.. it was cute" Wonwoo's cheeks went red. "Last night you told me you broke up with Sana. Is that true?"
"Yeah.. she was a lesbian. But it's okay. Through dating her I realised I only liked guys"
"You never told me what happened between you and jun"
"Oh um he fell in love with someone else. We're friends now" Wonwoo looked down. He felt a reassuring hand on his back.
"It's okay" Wonwoo smiled at him.

From that day on Wonwoo and Mingyu hung out. Only as friends. That's all Wonwoo wanted for now. But he didn't know what would happen later on.

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