Fell Apart to Come Together

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The sunlight washed over Milo's face gently waking him up. His alarm clock was set to go off in 20 minutes, he reached for it to silence it with his free hand. Auden's naked body was wrapped around his and he didn't mind it one bit.

Suddenly Milo thought of something and tried his best to unravel himself from Auden's sleeping figure. Luckily she didn't wake up, he grabbed some boxers and made his way to the kitchen.

"Fuck! Ow.." He hissed as grease from the pan of bacon popped and landed on his bare chest.
"They make this seem so easy in movies.." He mumbled as he moved on to the other thing he was supposed to be making, pancakes.

"Ooo something smells good.." Auden's voice startled him, he took a sharp breath when his eyes landed on her. He took his bottom lip between his teeth as he checked her out. Only she could make one of his black t shirts and a lacy white thong look that good...

"Hey gorgeous..Good Morning.." Auden wrapped her arms around his bare torso as Milo mumbled against her hair. Another pop of grease flew out of the pan and landed on Milo's hand.
"Fucking hell.." He hissed as he jerked his hand away from the stove. Auden giggled before taking his "injured" hand in hers. Without loosing eye contact, Auden brought his hand to her mouth giving it a gentle kiss where the grease had burnt his skin. Her tongue dragged against it before she pulled away and carefully blew over the skin. Milos lips parted as the cooling sensation sent goosebumps across his skin. He could feel himself twitch in his boxers over Auden's little show.

"T-thank you.." His voice cracked as he tried to recover. "Oh hey look bacons done.. go take a seat I'll make your plate baby.."

"Thank you for breakfast handsome." Auden's lips met Milo's cheek before she grabbed their empty plates.
Handsome? That's new.. She's also been in a really great mood. Milo thought as he watched Auden rinse their plates off, putting them in the dishwasher. Milo checked her out as she bent over, it really never got old just how truly attractive she was.
Auden danced around the kitchen as she made her way back to their bedroom, Milo shot up to follow her.
I hadn't seen her this happy in along time.. not since we were kids..
"Hey baby you seem happy?" Milo asked as he took a seat on the bed. Auden grabbed a towel and a change of clothes.
"That's cause I am happy, I had been feeling better lately but today what I'm feeling right now? It's thanks to you." Her lips found his quickly, the way his arms wrapped around her made her feel a warmth she was never able to explain. She was beginning to realize Milo was the home she had always craved.

"We have to hurry up if we're going to get you to set on time.. looks like we'll have to shower together." Auden whispered as she pulled away from the tender  kiss. Milo checked the time, they had exactly enough time to shower and get to set.

"Then it looks like I'm going to have to be faster than I care for.." Milo picked up Auden, her legs wrapped around his waist quickly. She giggled as he hurriedly got them into the bathroom. He of course had something else in mind besides getting clean.

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle it today Milo?"

"Yeah for sure! I've been resting and icing it a lot, I'm just ready to get back out there." The choreographer studied Milo for a minute before shrugging and sending him to his spot in the dance.

Milo felt like a bundle of energy which was pretty normal for him but there was something different about it today. He could barely feel the stiffness in his knee and he just wanted to dance, it was probably the high he was still on from the shower sex he took part in this morning...

Auden watched as Milo moved flawlessly through the dance steps for the Flesh & Bones number. The other actors tried to keep up as the choreographer counted out the steps.

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