Stop Trying So Hard

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"Auden! Trevor! Over here! Is it true that you guys are planning a June wedding?" Trevor's hand squeezed my ass causing me to turn to him. These reporters will ask anything..

"You looked like you wanted to strangle the reporter, why are you letting them get to you?" He murmured, continuing to smile wide as we walked the carpet for the Black Panther movie premiere. Usually Milo or Camryn comes with me, unfortunately I had to take my fake boyfriend instead.

"This is nauseating.. May can't come fast enough."

"Really is this that bad?"
"It's not you.." Okay that was a lie, but he didn't need to know that. "I just don't like the situation."

"I know you have issues with power and control.."
"Okay we don't need to pretend you know me."
"Auden please I had you pegged the minute I met you. You love being in control in all things, except the bedroom. Why do you think I was able to sleep with you so easily... come along now babe... and close your mouth your drawing attention."

Okay 4 more weeks.. just 4 more weeks and you can drop him..

"I can't believe your going to New York.." I mumbled into Milo's chest, I wasn't sure if he heard me over the music blasting in the house.
"You can visit me, you have no tour excuses now." His long fingers stroked my hair, I played with his free hand.. sliding the rings on and off. We were just hanging out in his room, tangled up in each other while the party continued to go on outside. We were celebrating him getting into NYU.
"You know you should just apply, then we can share a dorm room.."
"And throw parties and become the coolest kid's on campus."
"Milo and Auden take college."
"You and me against the world baby..." We snorted as the laughter left our lips at a alarming rate.

"How wasted are we?"
"Wasted? Milo you only had a couple shots."

"What are we doing then? Let's get back out there!" Hopping off the bed Milo offered his hand I took it and he pulled me off the bed. He tried spinning me but it was too slow and we ended up just stumbling into his door.

"We need to work on your technique.." I leaned up against his bedroom door as he took my hand in his, bringing it over my head. "I think my technique is perfect.." He looked from my eyes to my lips and then back again. "We should really go back out there."

"People are probably wondering where we are."
"Probably talking about us.. Milo and Auden, always running off somewhere." He bit down on his lip, when did he get so hot? He was leaning on the door more for support but still managing to keep my wrist pinned above my head.

"Tell me I'm drunk and I'm just being stupid.."He brushed his lips close to mine but kept talking as if he was trying so hard not to lose control.
"Your not drunk though and your always stupid.." I whispered while he managed to move in closer and closer. His lips finally capturing mine in a kiss. It was sloppy but sensual, the way his mouth tried to feel all of me.

"Your really trying to push the limits aren't you?" I breathed as his lips peppered gentle kisses down my neck. "Can't know until you try .."
"We really do need to get out there."
"I know.." He mumbled pulling away from me for a minute. "You need to stop trying so hard though.."
"Trying so hard?" He pulled me aside and opened the door, letting the music hit us in the face.

"Yeah your trying way too hard to not fall in love with me. Auden we're end game..." He kissed my cheek quickly before doing some quick dance step as he moved down the hallway.
"End game baby!" I could hear the faint sound of people greeting him as he made his way back into the party. I found myself leaning against his doorframe, that idiot..

"What's got you smiling like that?" I jumped at the sound of Camryns voice behind me.
"Jesus Cammie! You scared me.."

"How are you and Milo?"
"Good.. I just worry about him not letting this go..."

"Why don't you just give him a chance? He might surprise you.. plus it would be nice for you to be an official Manheim.."
"Cammie! Your ridiculous.. I don't want to hurt Milo you guys mean too much to me."

"I know sweetie just a thought." She gave me a motherly peck on the temple and made her way towards the party.

Once I made my way back to the party I saw Milo's tall figure by the beer pong table. Mason and Milo were currently losing against Ana and Stella.

"Auden where were you?! Your suppose to be my partner now look what's happening." Stella sunk another ball into one of Milos cups.
"Fuck this." He chugged the cup while Mason looked like he was about to throw up.

"Sorry Mi, next round?"

We defeated Ana, Stella, Owen and Mason in the next two rounds. Mason puked outside in one of Camryn's plants so we stopped playing.

"We are such a good team." Milo pulled me into his lap."No you literally suck at beer pong.. I carry this whole team." He grazed my earlobe with his teeth.
"Milo stop it there are people around."
"Then come to my room.. after the party." His breath smelled like beer and tequila, he had been drinking quite a bit.

"You've been drinking too much"

"Do you think your like taking advantage of me?" He snorted, playing with the rips in my shorts."Because your not..  I just like the way you touch me too."

"Milo! Are you trying to talk dirty?" I could feel the heat creep up my cheeks, there were so many people around, but they were too loud and drunk to care about the conversation Milo and I were currently having.

"How am I doing so far?"

"Not too bad.."

People were finally making their exits left and right,
Camryn making sure they all had their rides taken care of and that Ubers were ordered. I felt Milo's hand intertwine with mine as he started pulling me in the opposite direction of the door.
"No way are you driving.. you drank more than I did."

"Milo I'm not staying in your room while your.. like this.."
"Audennn I'll be on my best behavior, scouts honor."

"You were never a Boy Scout.."

Milo tossed his shirt to the side of the room, missing his dirty clothes hamper completely. He fumbled with his belt as he tried to kick of his shoes causing him to fall on the bed.

"You have to wear those stupid belts, don't you?" I stood between his legs as he laid back on his mattress tucking his arms behind his head.
"Maybe I just wanted you to take off my pants.." I swatted his chest but he grabbed my wrists quickly.

"Auden." I raised my eyebrow at him, intimidating him wasn't working he just smirked. He released his grip on my wrists before falling back into the bed.
"Fine.. fine.. will you just cuddle with me ?" I nodded before walking into his closet. I set my clothes on his dresser then pulled on of his black t shirts over my head as I made my way out of the closet.

"Aud, your killing me.."


So not a huge fan of Nina Dobrev but in certain pictures I feel like she brings parts of 'Auden' to life.. I don't imagine Auden as that thin though, more of a Demi Lovato body type.

Comment, Let me know what you think :)


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