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Six months later

Can you guys comment and vote 🥺Six months later

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Oscar and I have never been so distant. I wake up and he doesn't even say hardly anything to me. It's like he's mad at me. One month ago I was doing our laundry and I felt slight cramping like as if I was on my period, but I thought maybe since I'm five months that my body was getting used to the change. And I felt a leak suddenly. I rushed to the bathroom praying that it wasn't what I think it was and when I checked it was. Period blood was there and I was shocked. I grabbed my phone to check what the hell was going on. I read that it's normal for some bleeding through pregnancy and I just put on my pads I haven't used in awhile. I would have a full period span if it was a miscarriage. So I go back to doing chores and anxiously waited it out.

Two weeks pass and I'm still bleeding and I'm praying like crazy that I still have the baby. I was stressed and paranoid, but I was getting better. They found moms dead body and I didn't have to stay low anymore. (Of course that dream was playing in the back of my mind. ) I started tutoring kids and focusing on myself. Oscar opened up to me what happened to him with 19th street and he was changing to a better man. I scheduled a gynecologist appointment and I told Oscar what was going on.

I wasn't as stressed as I used to be, I made sure to lower my stress for the health of the baby. I was doing meditation and cooking with Oscar. Abuela and I were hanging out more, and I was helping at the daycare with her. I was visiting Daniella as I found out the she's pregnant. We were looking at future baby furniture and clothes. Then to go to the doctors office with Oscar, only to hear I lost the baby. We left the office and I held in my tears. I felt like I still had to keep the stress away, but I don't have a baby anymore. Oscar was hurt and his heart was broken seeing what could've been. We took days to gather how we felt about what happened. Cesar and Mr. Diaz were the first to know by Oscar breaking down in front of them. I cried to Abuela and told her about my dream changing the storyline of it a little bit.

I had the medical treatment for a miscarriage and had the baby taken out. The nurse told me that the baby was a he. When she said that, it really fucked Oscar in the head. He didn't talk for the longest period of time. Say I was sad was a understatement, I knew Oscar held resentment towards me. One night we got in a huge argument and I just stepped out the house, from how harsh his words were.

I get out of bed and walk down the hallway. Cesar's door and locked shut. Cesar has been broken hearted too, since Monse went to the prep school. It's like a big cloud has been set over everyone. I walk into the kitchen to see Oscar drinking vodka out of a glass. He has beads of sweat which tells me he's already drunk.

"Morning." I say and no response.

I take out peanut butter and bread to make breakfast. My bump was gone and it did feel like a lot of me had left. I was so excited to have a kid, I was so excited to see Oscar as a dad. I look at him over my shoulder and my heart pangs with hurt. We're both hurting and I don't understand why he doesn't want to do this together.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

Still no response. My blood boils inside of me, but I remain calm and patient. The toast pops up the bread and I spread peanut butter on top of it.

"I was gonna go grocery shopping today you want any-." I'm cut off. "Rosalía shut the hell up." He snaps.

I had enough of this attitude. I bite and the inside of my cheek and throw the butter knife in the sink. He's been such a dick to me lately and like Jasmine says "I like the d but I don't like the ick." I turn around and I walk up to him with rage in me.

"Listen I get that you're fucking hurt but I'm hurting just as bad as you and out of all the people you should be mad at and you chose the one who has been by your side since day FUCKING one and who is going through the same shit as you!" I seethe in his face with my hands waving around around.

He looks up at me with his eyes dull.

"Then stop pretending everything is normal or fine." He spits.

I laugh in disbelief that he's actually saying shit like this to me.

"I'm not FINE I'm dying inside too but I'm not laying around being a ass either I know that I can't change what happened and that we could've had a beautiful baby boy-Oscar we can have kids in the future-but don't act like this babe!" I stress.

He nods his softly and pulls me on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck as he rest his head on my chest crying. I shush and rub his broad back.

"I'm sorry Rosalía... I'm just stressed and mad at myself. I should've made sure your stress was okay. You shouldn't be working it should be me but I can't even get a job at Walmart with the licks on my record." He sobs.

"I'm sorry too baby but I honestly don't need to be taken care of I need somebody by my side which I prefer to be you... and Ican't even see you working somewhere like that I see you having your own business honestly you're too smart to work in Walmart." I assure him.

"Marry me?"

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