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Everything stops except the ringing of my ears and heartbeat

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Everything stops except the ringing of my ears and heartbeat. Oscar is dead. The last thing I said to him wasn't even heartfelt. Now I will never get to see when his eyes had meaning and weren't dull, his dimples when he smiled, his harsh voice turn soft when it's just us. I will never get to apologize to him. I wanted to marry that man one day and he's...he's.

"You're spooky is dead. So find someone who something." Mom hisses into my ear.

I try to scream but nothing comes out as I cry. I wish I told Oscar about my mom, but I never knew she worked hand in hand with the Santos. This is why Abuela was so against us at first. I want to strangle this woman with my bare hands. She will not walk on this face of earth without facing the consequences of killing the love of my life. Oscar was mine, the one thing that was mine and I really fucked it up for his last memory of me. The curtains close and I'm knocked up side the head.
I wake up in my old room at Abuelas and I just cry. Everything is breaking me and I'm at the point of losing my mind. Oscar is gone and I'm on my own. I walk out and run to Abuelas I just sob into the floor. My head pounds in aches , but my world. I can barely breathe and I feel a panic attack coming. So many things are wrong, but I don't know where to start. How do I accept the fact that my mom killed the love of my life. My unborn child lost a great father. I just want a second to hold him and tell him I didn't mean what I said. That I didn't mind when he came to me for comfort, that as much as I hurt from him I'll still be there. Mom isn't getting away with this. Revenge is my remedy.

I know I look like a nut case, but I need to find Cesar. If one thing I can do for Oscar is make sure Cesar is safe. I get out out through the window and walk a block to his friends house, but I catch a glimpse of the gang at the gas station. I need to gather myself before I tell Cesar. I know that its best look after him till Mr. Diaz has something for them two. How the hell do I tell him that my mom is the cuchillo and she murdered Oscar? I grab a breath and sigh it out. I have to do this sooner or later. I walk towards the gas station. This is gonna change Cesar forever. I walk in and Cesar looks up at me with a question mark on his face.

"Cesar can I talk to you..." I sigh.

He nods with his face getting hard again. We walk by the slushy machine and I don't even know how to even put these words together. Rosalía you have to do this.

"My mom is the cuchillo... and this morning after a fight with Oscar I was kidnapped by her and she said...that she ordered 19th street to kill him and the Santos to not help him ." I sob.

His face grows dark and he pushes me unexpectedly. He doesn't know I'm pregnant, don't get mad. The gang trots over, worried of what's going on.

"Cesar I'm sorry-" I'm cut off.

"No don't say that bullshit to me! I know you're working with her huh? MY BROTHER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU."

"Cesar I swear on my life I didn't know she worked with the Santos till now! Please don't do this!" I begged.

He shakes his head and storms off, leaving me there crying. The gang follows him to comfort him. I have to kill her because she's gonna raid another families without hesitation. Though I need to hide away from her. I call a Uber to a motel to get ready for what I have to do.
I nervously sit on the bed waiting for sad eye to walk in and walk me the house to get away with murder basically. God, I've never been so hurt and scared in my life before. All last night I cried and had non stop panic attack's, but right now I'm managing to put Oscar death underneath a pillow for now. I just hope after all this I can redeem myself to Cesar.

There's a knock on my door and I hesitate to open it. Sad eye stands there with Cesar. His face frowns and I awkwardly open the door wide for them. I close and lock it. When is Cesar gonna lose his shit?

"Rosalía what are you doing here?"

There's my boy. I turn around and sit on the the bed. I'm here to kill my mom, why is he here?

"Why are you here?" I question him.

He scoffs and Sad eye steps into what about to be a argument.

"Well you guys are here for the same reason...remember it's for Oscar spirit." He says cooling us both down.

So he was gonna kill my mom without my permission...who is he? Sad eye slips Cesar the gun.

"Cesar shoot and Rosalía you put tarp and put her the trunk drive her to me and I'll take care of the rest." He orders.

He hands Cesar the gun and mumbles something to him. He walks close to the door and stops.

"I rode with your brother... I'd ride with you too." He confesses.

"I know you would but I'm good."

A knock sounds the empty room and Sad eye and Cesar corner the door. This is it, we've been caught. The get their guns read and swing the door open but Cesar catches it as it's his friends. I roll my eyes why is his friends in this. They were all trying to kill my mom? I leave out with Sad eye to get air and give them space.

I walk outside and sit down and just stare off into the sky. I hope Oscar is making tacos with abuelo and his soul is resting easy because on the streets it's not gonna be easy for me. I clench onto his chain necklaces around my neck and kiss them. I will make sure she won't take another breath. Cesar friend passes me with a sick expression. We have to take down a whole body of them and if we  even reach my mom...how will we get away after. Somebody in the family will notice, her husband will notice.
I sit on the pavement with Ruby and Jamal. They told me their plan, but it's a ride or die plan to kill her. Monse and cesar walk up to us. All of us sigh. It's show time.

"It's time." Cesar states.

I look down at the pavement look at where I'm at. Who knew me meeting a the love of my life on a rainy night would lead to me murdering my own mom. Rosalía she has to be stopped at all cost, we can't let this happen to anybody else. Ruby holds up the burner phone.

"Once we do this there's no turning back." He says with fear in his voice.

Then a car rolls up to us and I take a stand. I see it's 19th street and my blood boils. I walk next to Cesar and the tinted window rolls down.

"Little Spooky and Rosalía." The 19th street member chuckles softly.

I hold in my anger and pain because I need to know where Oscars body is so he can have a nice burial. I can't believe he's gone, just like-. The member hands Cesar and note where he's at. I overlook at the note and my blood rages.

"YOU DUMPED HIM BY A HIGH WAY!" I yell ready to throw hands.

Monse and Ruby hold me back.

"You'll find what you're looking for."

He tosses Oscars phone to Cesar and they pull away. I pull away and go into the motel room to be alone.

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