Chapter 13. || Cramps And Cheers||

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Saturday, Day 12.

My body was literally on fire.

I groaned once again, making the girls put on those worried looks once more. Amanda, placing her pom poms down knelt beside me on the bench and reached out to feel my tummy which I was currently gripping.

Her big, blue beautiful eyes showed intense worry for her fellow teammate and once again, I remembered this was why she deserved to get Darren. The thought snapped away as fast as it came when another shot of aches coursed through my system and I involuntarily yelled in pain. I closed my eyes, wondering why my body chose today to behave this way, we had a game right now, I was supposed to be out there, not acting as a liability here. I had started feeling the first bearings of pain earlier during practice earlier today but it got intense about an hour ago.

It was an unexplainable kind of pain in the sense that I wasn't feeling it in just one body part, it came in intervals and hit different parts. I bit down on my tongue as I felt the sensation of  thousands of needles prick my throat.

Amanda noticed. I felt her rise and her voice came slow and soft seconds later. "You girls go out there, I'll take Ruby to the hospital."

"Fuck, no, Mandy," I said in a moment of temporary relief. "You guys go on without me, I'll just take a nap here, I'll be fine." I didn't want the girls to notice but I had yelled when the pain became unbearable and had got them worried.

Amanda didn't look like she believed me, I didn't blame her. I could picture myself looking pathetic laying on the bench and yelling about unexplainable pains.

"Where's Molly?" I asked, she had ran off when I started yelling initially, so much for best friends.

"I think she's in the locker room," Millie, a Korean with particularly pouted lips replied as she tied her sneakers. I nodded, feeling the urge to rip off my cheerleader uniform, it felt like I was inflating now and the clothes felt tighter by the second.

"C'mon, Ruby," Amanda reached out to support me and I resisted. I didn't need her help, I would be fine. Besides, I couldn't afford to go waste time at the hospital when they probably wouldn't find any true cause of the pain.

"I feel better," I lied, my left leg felt like it was slowly being dissected now. I was the middle of trying to reassure them when Molly ran back into the gym, looking grim.

"Mandy, I called her mom, she's on her way," Molly announced, coming over to stand beside me. I groaned, wondering why she had taken the action without my permission. "I'll stay with her until she gets here, everyone can leave. Also, Darren was looking for you, Mandy, he should be here any second."

Foolish as it might have been, my first thought was Darren walking in to see me looking all pathetic and I tried sitting up straight immediately and felt Molly take a seat beside me so I could lean on her. Almost immediately, the gym doors swung open again and Darren came in. I noticed he hadn't changed into his gear and was still in black sweats, my heart stopped it's function as I stared at his toned skin and perfect body. He walked towards us and surprisingly bent down to my level on the bench, the same way Amanda did.

"Chica, Molly said you're not holding up pretty well," his eyes raked my body and my lungs deflated when he reached for my hand and squeezed my fingers lightly.

It was official, I was dying, Darren fucking Wallace was holding my hand.

"I'm better now, thanks," I murmured shyly, staring at his slightly chapped pink lips and not helping but wonder how they would taste again.

"Sure?" He gave me a crooked smile. My chest, this guy was doing things to me.

"Sure," I affirmed.

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