Challenge 5-Frenemies

Start from the beginning

Well, just the girls.

"What did you do to my partner?!"Paige jokingly cried out.

VC-John-So, they took the girls and strung them up like meat on display.....

"You guys could just leave her there. Its fine by me."said Brie.

"Well guys, you know what they say."said Hunter, "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Everyone, welcome to a game id like to call Frenemies. Here's how its going to be played."

-One member from each team will be taken privately and be asked some questions.

-After they have been interviewed, they will be placed 50 feet in the air in a harness, dangling over the water.

-After they have been interviewed, they will be placed 50 feet in the air in a harness, dangling over the water

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-Those who have not been questioned will remain on the ground. They will be asked the same questions their partner has been asked. If their answers do not match, they will earn an X.

-If they earn two Xs, they are out and the team mate that is hanging will be dropped into the water.

-The last teams standing, wins

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-The last teams standing, wins.

VC-Paige-Trivia, good ol trivia.

VC-Roman-Trivia is definitely an equalizer in this game.

"Ladies, we'll be starting with you first. Guys, your partners are being kept separated until its time for your turn. We can't have any cheating taking place. Without further ado, girls, lets play some trivia."

Round 1

The girls all stood at their designated podium. On the podium was a little white board and a marker to write their answers.

"Okay girls, question 1. We'll start with Alexa. What did your partner Mickie say your best body part was?"

Alexa immediately began scribbling on her white board. When she was done, she lifted it to show Hunter.

Alexa- My biscuit butt


VC-Mickie-I like the fact that she wrote biscuit butt. Thats my nickname for her.

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