149: spider cannibalism

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It was your birthday when heaven and hell coalesced on a beach across the ceiling of your bedroom - furious waves buckling gigantic streams of blazing sunlight.. your fingertips on my lips trying to make the thinking right

You left my head open, taking out things and putting them in different sites - I still wonder, what do you do with all that stolen sleep and appetite?

You can stop the ocean tide when you clean your glasses with the hem of my dress

I found a loving for the very first time ceaselessly failing games of chess

The motion sickness hits less in the back-seat when you touch my fringe with a messy gesture

Minding the spiderwebs in my chamber of thought

I wrote this in the back of a cab heading to well-known avenue - when the cabbie stopped for coffee

The "minute or two" taking longer than it took to make our ends meet

I love you bastard, did that change your mind?

Watching mannequins through vitrines, seeing your face through cellophane places

Chasing bottled letters on pavements – hopelessly dazed with feelings I've taken

I wrote this leaving your place, sensing a great deal of misunderstanding – on the way to bed there was an unlikely amount of uncertainty, raging

Cigarettes are bad for you, the nerve it takes to be with you

Unpacking worn-out poetry and divorced/single socks from their packs

Would you want the buckwheat pillow back?

My bones blaze with stereotypical rage – volatile dreaming running through my veins, fuelling a visceral gut-wrenching frustration

You'd know

I could seize the dream of an entire population

It is 06:30 indeed

You lie on the horizon, careless of what's inside my mind

'Forks are elegant and chic..

Spoons look like gluttonous wankers!'

and I don't know what you mean

I'll call it what I think I know

You're not saying what you want instead

I love you bastard, could that change your mind?

I'll take a word – illustrate

Sue laws, sew curtains out of a suitcase

Cross clouds, draw a new face

Start somewhere different just to stay the same

I was doing fine feeling like no one

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