The Best Man (Teen Wolf)

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Start your story with - When I first saw him/her

Include an insult

Include a surprise

Include a poem

"When I first saw him, Scott and I were traipsing through the woods, after going along with one of my bad ideas."

Scott grinned at him from his table, lifting his champagne glass in a salute, and Stiles returned the gesture.

The story was one they told often, joking about it because they were friends now, family, and comfortable enough with each other, "We were just trying to find Scott's inhaler when, all of a sudden, this hulking figure of a man comes out of nowhere and literally growls, 'this is private property, get off my land'. Which isn't terrifying now, because we all know he's a teddy bear, but you have to remember that we were sixteen and awkward and, well, I don't think we left a good first impression. So, if you'd told me then that I'd be Derek Hale's best man, I wouldn't have believed it, but here I am and I honestly couldn't be happier to be standing in front of all of you."

He'd gotten a laugh at the start of his speech but now the room was quiet because it was true that they'd had a hell of a journey. They'd picked people up along the way and they'd lost them, too, and, sure, there were some bad days when Stiles honestly wished he'd never gone looking for that body in the middle of the night but, staring out at the crowd now, he also couldn't imagine the past six years any differently.

This was where he was meant to be.

He cleared his throat, looking down at his notes even though he had his speech memorised, "Now, I'm supposed to use this opportunity to embarrass Derek but I'm not going to because, if I did, he'd rip my throat out—with his teeth."

Derek groaned, head in his hands, as the others laughed.

It was only pack at the wedding and following reception because Derek and Braeden hadn't needed to invite anyone else to the occasion. It was a good thing because it meant that Stiles could fulfill the most important part of his best man duty and regale them all with the best stories, completely uncensored.

"I actually had the privilege of seeing the relationship between Derek and Braeden blossom and I was the one that Derek turned to when he needed help wooing his girl. We had a few false starts, mainly with using our words which is something that doesn't come naturally to growly mountain men, but we must have done something right to end up here today. In fact, I caught up with our bride earlier and she said, what really cinched it for her, was when Derek read her his own handwritten, heartfelt poem."

Derek legitimately growled, only proving his point.

Braeden laughed, placing a hand on his, and it was amazing to watch how that simple touch could calm him down.

"Funny thing," Stiles continued, reaching into this jacket and pulling out a folded piece of paper, "I actually have it with me. Who wants to hear it?"

There were loud whoops and cheers.

"Well, I've never been one to let the crowd down before." He said, grinning wickedly, "So here we go: Roses are red, violets are blue, you could knock a man dead, can I kill with you?"

It wasn't the real poem, that one too sentimental and intimate to share even here, and it'd brought him to tears when he'd read it the first time and every time after that. This one made them cry, too, out of humour and heightened emotions and it set the theme for the rest of the night, Stiles sharing a few more anecdotes and exaggerating them for dramatic effect before he gave the stage up to Scott. As the Alpha, his words carried with them the weight of his status, and him giving them his blessing meant a lot more than it would in any other wedding.

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