The Coming of the End

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The coming of the end.

There were a lot of reasons why going out tonight would be a bad idea but Alex had never been lucky when it came to the rota shifts and, after being vomitted on by two different girls last night, he was set to work the Halloween Foam party, too. Which didn't, on the face of it, sound too bad but the event was the last one on the Fresher's timetable and he knew all the students were hoping for a big blowout which meant too much alcohol, exposed flesh and a very high probability that at least one item of clothing would not be coming home with him.

"I hate being a Fresher's rep," he announced, "this is not worth six pounds an hour."

Natasha laughed, "You love it, really, I know you like looking after the Freshers and, besides, free entry into all the venues is a pretty good deal on top of the pay."

"Freshers are stupid."

"And you and I were in their shoes just last year," she said, stepping back as she finished with his makeup, "okay, one perfect looking vampire ready for a big night out. We should take a few pictures before you sweat it off."

He bore through it because, if he'd learnt only one thing living with her last year, it was that Natasha loved documenting everything for people to see. They'd lived in the same block last year and met when she came over to use their oven and, since their flats were arranged so close, they'd gotten pretty cosy even though she was an engineer and he was a med student. It'd made sense to share a flat in second year and it was nice to have someone else who was working as a rep and suffering through the same thing.

"What are the odds that someone throws up on me again?" he asked.

"Pretty high," she admitted, "you're a guy, you seem to attract the vomit a lot more than I do."

"Yeah, I noticed that, too," he wrinkled his nose, "at least this is the last time, I don't think I could hande it another time."


The venue was on campus which was convenient because their house was only a five minute walk away and, by now, all the students knew how to get there so they didn't have to walk them down or look after any lost kids. Because, for all that Alex bitched and whined about it, he had to have a caring side as a Med student and he'd found that he liked knowing that he'd got someone home safely more than he liked getting wasted. He'd walked a few of them back to halls, some of them more than once, and he wasn't even surprised when Jackson found him at two in the morning.

"Where have you been all night?" he asked, "I was looking for you earlier."

"I didn't go on the dancefloor, we just stayed by the bar and sat outside on the benches," Alex shrugged, "I guess I just wasn't feeling it tonight and, besides, it was far too hot to be dressed as a vampire in there."

"Poor choice, you should've been a zombie like me."

Jackson had never been the kind of self-conscious that some of the other students were, proudly declaring to Alex on the first night that he had a six pack and then lifting up his shirt to show him--and Alex had been impressed since it was true, he'd even counted and touched them at Jackson's insistence--so the ripped shirt and jeans combination worked well on him. Or, rather, he made it work with just the right amount of careless confidence.

"I don't think I could make the zombie costume work for me. Anyway, I'm assigned to Connaught and we had the theme of creatures of the night which, while not original, at least makes it easy for me to spot who I'm supposed to be looking after."

"Or you could ditch them all and come home with me."

He laughed, "No, you're not drunk enough for me to take you back, I've seen you in a worst state before."

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