• epilogue •

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you're part of who I am. even if we're worlds apart, you're still in my heart, it will always be you and me.

"Are you sure that I can do this?" Mal asks as she stares at herself in the mirror, her nerves getting the best of her as she waits, waits for the time she stands on the end of the altar as Evie walks down the aisle, bearing the most beautiful smile and the most beautiful face as she carried the best thing in the world. Their twins, their children.

They were engaged for a year, Evie got pregnant with twins six months after the proposal, hence, why she was walking down the aisle, six months pregnant.

It was hard to explain how but let's just say that if you wish in something, if you're truly passionate about what you want, magic will find its way to help you around.

Jay shakes his head, remembering the time he fixed Mal's hair for prom, this was radiating the same damn energy.

"Relax, all you gotta do is stand there, watch her walk, make sure that your dad will hand her to you, don't fuck up your vows and kiss her, you'd do fine." He smirks, teasing her as the fairy huffs, shoving him aside as she adjusts her white suit, the purple rose sitting on her breast pocket.

"Do you think I'll be a great wife?" She asks, already feeling insecure as thoughts begin to cloud her head, telling her that she'll never be enough for Evie. That's when Jay stops her.

"Mal, you made Evie the happiest person in the world by being you. Just keep on doing that and you'll be fine." He smiles, holding Mal's shoulders and shaking her a bit, pulling her into a hug, "You two are perfect for each other. You're clearly meant to be."

"Okay, I might be the best wife but what if I'm the worst parent?" She worries this time, pacing back and forth as Jay silently groans, just wanting this to be over because he wants to make his toast.

"You and Evie managed to take care of Carlos and I. You two fed us, clothed us, gave us a second home when everything was fucked up, disciplined us and made us to who we are today. Now tell me, give me a damn reason to why the hell you won't be a good parent?" He asks, shutting Mal up as someone knocks on the door.

Mal panics, worried that maybe Evie got cold feet and ran away, or maybe she'll get cold feet and run away. Hell, it was so scary.

Audrey enters the room, a big smile on her face as she sees Mal, "Oh my god, you two really are perfect for each other!" She cries, pulling Mal in a hug as she tears up, the fairy nods, "Where is she? What does she look like? Is she okay?" She asks the princess, nodding at her as another person enters the room.

Ben gives them all a big grin as he peeks his head through, "Guys, Mal, it's time." He informs them, Jay and Audrey, both the best man and maid of honor, smile, Audrey taking Jay's arm as they went outside.

She takes in a deep breath, closing her eyes and smiling as she sees Evie, their two children, and her. She fought a dragon, a sea witch and a witch. Why won't she be able to do this?

Evie stands outside the cathedral doors, the annoying amount of paparazzi taking pictures of her repeatedly as Hades joins her, offering her his arm and a smile. "Are you ready, kiddo?" He asks, his tone was caring and warm, filled with concern.

Evie nods, shaking her head lightly as she looks down, the bump on her stomach evident, the god of the Underworld smiles, "May I?" He asks, about to put his hand on her stomach, she hums, nodding her head in approval.

"Hey there, dear grandchildren, it's your granddad. I just want you guys to know that your moms are getting married today. We're all excited to see you." He whispers, telling them a secret before taking Evie's arm again, the cathedral doors finally swinging open.

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