• II •

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Mal looks up from the counter inside the new coffee shop located just beneath their apartment in New York. Another customer just walked in. And for God's sake she hated this customer.

"Hi, welcome to Noceur how may I help you?" She asks glumly, not even plastering a fake smile on her face as Uma smirks, laughing a little as she points to the menu.

"Y'know, Dragon Breath, the usual." The Sea Witch grins as Mal furrows her eyebrows, "What usual? Is it for you and the two idiots we're friends with or you only?" She asks, Uma raises two fingers.

Mal nods, already taking Uma's money as she made her coffee.

Ever since they arrived in New York, they all tried to do something on the side just so they could have food on their table. Hence, Mal is a barista.

They were just finished with their Freshman year, all taking different courses yet still managing to make it through both academically and non-academically.

Rent really took a toll on their ass, though. Mal's honestly struggling, juggling her projects, job and other things that were going on in her life.

"I don't understand why you would even drink this, you know. You're weird. Sometimes I question myself to why I'm even friends with you." Mal rambles as she places down the disposable cup in front of Uma, who, in turn, just rolled her eyes.

"Please, sugar keeps me awake. Unlike you who chug down black coffee and acting like you aren't palpitating." She retorts before turning around, grabbing her backpack and waving at Mal.

"You're weirdos." She hears one of her usual customers that she had developed a small friendship with, Bucky. His name was Bucky and he had a metal arm. Pretty weird but still.

"You talk to your cat, Bucky. Just-just finish your coffee this time." Mal answers, wiping the counter as she waited for another customer.

While Mal was waiting, Uma walked around, weaving through corners and sliding past tourists as she made her way to the club.

She understands that it's only seven in the evening but clubs in New York get pretty crowded.

It takes her a while before she enters the usual worn down establishment, yet inside is filled to the brim with neon lights, drinks and slutty classmates of hers. Sometimes she actually feels like she's normal when she's with them. God, tentacles look so much better than tight dresses.

She walks toward the booth, her usual spot, plugging in her laptop and putting her headphones on. While Mal got a gig at a more quiet and reserved space, she didn't. She doesn't want quiet, she wanted lights and noise and lucky for her, she got it.

"Hey, Uma! Someone wants to enter, they said they knew you." One of the bouncers, Carl, she thinks his name is, yells from the bar. She just furrows her eyebrows yet going to the door nonetheless.

Gil was there, wearing his uniform as he beamed up at his captain, "Hey, Uma! I was just wondering if you guys had a Pinot Noir in here? We're catering this wedding and you-"

Uma cuts him off by pulling him inside, dragging him into the bar as he places the money on the counter, the club's barista, John, taking the money and handing the wine bottle to Gil.

still you (mevie//malvie)Where stories live. Discover now