Morning After

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I wanted her as much as she wanted me. My mind was a blur thinking of what to do. I tried to get close but I was hesitant. Her alcohol breath reminded me this wasn't right. If I got closer I knew I wouldn't control my urge. What if she got mad and I loose her. I can't risk it. I pull back making her hands fall of my shirt. I didn't want to leave but it was the right thing to do. She would wake up regretting what we did. She might think I took advantage of her. This was all drunk lust. She didn't mean it. She would forget everything in the morning. I walk towards the door not waiting a second longer to step out. I wasn't going to risk doing something I would later regret. I shut the door behind me.

The sun hit your face as you laid on your side. You slowly open your eyes to an unfamiliar site. Beside you laid a bouquet of flowers, a stuffed RJ, chocolates, and a red shiny gift bag. You instantly smile at the gifts you woke up to. The theme of everything was red and white just like RJ. Jin knew RJ was your favorite character. You pull the white and red flowers close to smelling them. A card poked your nose. You took it out opening to see what was written inside.

"I hope you know you are my desire. I hope you know you are the one. I hope you know I think about you when I see the sun - Seokjin <3"

You blush at the words. Did he mean it? It was printed on the card. Jin didn't write it personally. Either way, it made you happy. You cover your pink face with the card. Laughing and thinking of how sweet Jin is. You place the card down to look at the other gifts. You grab RJ who was holding a heart with your name on it. You dig into the bag pulling out a leather case. You click it open revealing a diamond heart pendant. It was beautiful. You couldn't stop smiling at the gifts. They weren't like any gifts you received before. You could tell Jin put a lot of thought and effort into them.

You tilt your head up from the pillow looking around the room. Your eyes search for Jin but he was nowhere in sight. You place your head back onto the pillow. Your head ached. You rub your head trying to recall what happened last night. Everything after the movie was a blur. You were in Jin's bedroom but how. You throw the blanket off to see your clothes on. You peck your hand to see your lipstick was still there. You didn't feel sore. You start to whine and kick your feet with disappointment.

"Damm it!! I was probably so drunk that he didn't make a move... *Sign* or he never planned on making a move" you said hugging RJ

You got up from the bed. You placing your feet on the cold floor.

"Ouch!" something stabs your feet.

It was buttons. "Hmm that's odd"

You notice a white RJ hoodie and black shorts placed by the bed. A note on top read

"A change of clothes for you. Sorry if they are too big. It's all I have." you melt placing the note by your chest. He was caring for your every need. You grab the clothes and head to the bathroom to get ready. You look at yourself in the mirror. Something was missing. You grab the pendant Jin gifted you placing it around your neck.

"Perfect," you said winking at yourself in the mirror.

You open the bedroom door to find Jin sleeping peacefully on the couch. You quietly walk towards him. He slept like a baby hugging RJ. He was so adorable. You stood admiring him in his light blue RJ pajamas.

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
The Resident | SMUT Seokjin ksjजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें