No More Dream

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Y/n's P.O.V

Hyunwoo : So ... Do you get married because you have feelings for each other .. Or it's just for saving ones life . 

I kept silent since that is the EXACT question I have all along .. Why did Changkyun do it ? Is it because he really have feelings for me ? Or he just wants to save my life ?

Changkyun slightly looked at me . Can you just answer ??!! I am dying to know .. My heart is racing like crazy .. 

Changkyun : Umm .. I ... I'll tell you later . *give me a sorry look*

I knew it .. He must feel bad since he just do it .. To save me .. My heart is broken into million pieces . I don't know how to react .. I just feel so down .. and .. I don't know why did I become such a fool . 

Me : *smile* If there's nothing more .. I guess .. I'll get going ... I have a lot of cleaning to do . Bye . 

I move my feet as fast as I could to my room and I cry really hard . I don't know why I'm really soft when it's about my heart .. I can handle , like 5 years being tortured and I still can move and even run away .. 

It's nothing .. I just have to forget the feelings I have for him because now , there's not even a chance that he will like me .. Remember , Y/n .. He is nothing but a close FRIEND . 

I wiped my tears and washed my face . My head hurts so bad but it's usual to me .. My migraine would attack right after I cry .. Though my head felt so heavy , I still can do my work well .

Me : Ahh-choo ! 

Oops ! Almost forgot about the flu . I also usually would catch a flu .. Well , not a bad one , just temporarily . I start doing my work and clean following my schedule . 

After finish working , I go back to my room and took a short shower to clean myself after dealing with the dust . Honestly , my head still hurts so much but I think I will be alright after some sleep. 

I avoid Changkyun the WHOLE day .. I am very grateful that he cared for my life but it just hurts for a little while . I'll treat him like a friend after all .. No problem at all . 

After the short shower , I stayed at my room and since I don't have my appetite , I just cook and left the food covered on the dining table . I go back to my room and lay down . 

Hye Rim : Y/n-ah ... Are you okay ?

Me : *smile* Yeah .. I'm okay .. It's just ... My head hurts kinda bad today .. So .. Yeah . 

Eun Byeol : Let's have some food . 

Me : I didn't have an appetite now .. I think I'm not going to eat . 

Min Ha : Yah .. Do you want to catch a fever ?

Me : I have a strong body .. Don't worry . 

Eun Byeol : When was the last time you have your food ?

Me : I think .. It's 10:55 a.m. 

Hye Rim : You are really willing to die , don't you ? I know you have a problem .. Tell me about it .

Me : No .. I have no problem at all .. I think I'll be fine after some rest . Now , go and have your food or you'll get sick . I don't want that to happen to you . Everyone's waiting .. Go .

Min Ha : You are the on who's sick .. Whatever .. You really never listen . Let's let her have some rest . 

Changkyun's P.O.V 

Eun Byeol , Hye Rim and Min Ha go to their room to get Y/n . I didn't see her the whole day after we come back from school . 

Eun Byeol , Hye Rim and Min Ha came back but I didn't Y/n coming along with them . 

Me : Where's Y/n ?

Eun Byeol : She said that she didn't have her appetite .. 

Min Ha : We already tried our best to take her here but .. She is stubborn . 

Nayeon : Is she alright ? I saw her cleaning just now and her face was really pale , like a ghost . 

Hye Rim : She said that she has a bad headache and she wants to have a rest .. Okay , now I'm worried ..

Mom : Have she ever be like this before ? I think she need to see a doctor .

Hye Rim : We are thinking so too but she said that she maybe alright after some rest . Sometimes, things like this happens to her .

Dad : Does it have any cause ?

Min Ha : Sometimes it comes without a cause or times when Y/n didn't have enough sleep or overslept or when she cry .. That's why she hates crying .. 

Mom : Even when she cry for a short while ?

Eun Byeol : Well .. Yes . But I didn't think Y/n is someone who would cry so suddenly . I think it's the sudden attack . 

Mom : Let's see if she gets better tomorrow . If she doesn't get better , we'll bring her to see a doctor . 

Wow .. I don't even know all of these . Is she okay ? Is it because the stress ? Oh god , now I can't sit still . Should I go and check on her ?

HERO #I.M (MONSTA X)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu