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Just strike! You have the strength to knock him down and win this damn fight! I chastise myself.

I glance to my left noting the large crowd of eager spectators obscured by darkness slowly advance toward the edge of the ring as our fight reaches it's peak. The atmosphere is fueled with electrifying energy that sparks with each round of cheers and applause that bounce off the walls echoing in the distant tunnels that make up the underground city of Vancouver. The platform rattles as the whistles, screams, and banging erupt in a loud dramatic explosion as our fans chant my name and K.O's.

K.O is the best fighter here in our world and tonight I was battling him for championship title. He is a frightening man at first glance with his bulky muscles and terrifying personality but now that I have experienced first-hand what it's like to fight him, he isn't as scary as I had given him credit. I explore the audience below me in search for the familiar set of cold, dark grey calculating eyes I can sense on me. Wez. He is wearing his signature leather red mask to hide his face which I am able to identify immediately.

I catch a brief glimpse of him leaning against the cool wall of the tunnel. His eyes are trained on my body, watching me like a hawk would its prey. I automatically stiffen and my concentration wavers for a split second. A second that K.O uses to his advantage by slamming his fist on my abdomen. I groan out loud and curse at him when he attempts to ram his elbow down my back. I react quickly and move to my left, only inches away from being plummeted to the ground. I look to Wez for help, needing his guidance more than ever. I silently observe as he crosses his muscled arms tightly against his solid chest, a frown set on his features as he watches me struggle. I gulp the knot of nerves down as he raises a questioning brow. Wez regards as uncertainty paints my expression. He instinctively steps closer to the large group of spectators forgetting for a split second that this is a fight not a situation he can save me from. He gestures a signal with his hand and I nod acknowledging his instructions. Wez sets his mouth in a grim line as he examines the agility I carry my body with as I dive forward to K.O's corner. The strength one firm punch carries as my fists connect with my opponent's jaw makes him lose his balance altogether giving me the advantage I need to win this fight.

Wez is studying every angle I twist my body, he's doing it to prevent my adversary from gaining dominance over me as he mouths my next move. He's silently directing and guiding me as he hides between the dim light being cast by the street lamps above the city and the exuberant spectators. Everyone is oblivious of our silent exchange of communication, entranced on me and the fight currently set in motion. The audience's energy charges my body, the noise motivates and strengthens me to be better, fueling my veins with adrenaline that pumps along my arms and legs.

I focus on Wez's lips in particular as I wait for his next command.

Use the P! He instructs and I obey immediately by taking offense and advancing on K.O.

Striking with the grace of a cobra, I bring my arm back, swinging my fist with the force of the power punch and nail the man with an uppercut directly on his solar plexus. He instantly falls forward right as I bring my right knee up into his chest. The impact causes him to grunt in pain as he falls flat on his face. The crowd made of burly, dangerous gang members cheer for me. I close my eyes, inhaling sharply as I'm crowned victorious to an epic fight with K.O King the guy who is currently knocked out beneath my feet.

An inner joy spreads over me, causing my knees to quiver like jelly as realization dawns on me that I won. I snap my attention to the two men who are dragging K.O's body out of the ring and onto the cement ground. He is a heavy man and I feel bad for the guys who have to break a sweat to deal with his weight.
I sigh in relief knowing that luck is with me tonight as I stand scuffled and bruised but nevertheless alive and well compared to K.O.

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