~°Chapter 28°~

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1 week later

I open the door as silent as possible and close it behind me. One of the most important quirks of having the I.D that gives you access to everything is knowing that no one can stop you. I move to the body laying on the bed and stealthily walk over to him. He is fast asleep. I inch closer as I form a plan to wake him up. My plan fails when he jumps from the bed into a sitting position with a weapon drawn and aimed directly to my forehead. His finger twitches on the trigger for a split second before he exhales after realizing it's only me.

"Damn! I think I almost saw the light there." I say breathlessly as he retracts his hand and puts the safety on it.

"What kind of a fucking wake up call was that?" He cries out.

"Not a good one. What the hell are you doing with a weapon in here? You have like five guys standing guard right outside your door." I exclaim.

"I know people." He shrugs nonchalantly.

I roll my eyes. "Of course. I'm surprised you haven't attempted to escape this place yet."

Derek gives me a knowing smirk. "All in due time. These things aren't just planned out in one night. I started strategizing an idea from the moment I was told I would be held against my will."

I cross my arms against my chest as I stroll over to the chair in the corner. "So how are you feeling?"

"You came all the way here at-" He pauses to glance briefly at the large clock hanging above his bed. "Two in the morning to talk to me?"

I glare frostily at him. "I am asking because I am breaking you out tonight. I already have Alex waiting downstairs for us." I wag my brows as if I have managed the best accomplishment yet.

Derek narrows his eyes at me. "How the hell did you convince Alex to work with you without him notifying me about your idea first?" He stands from the bed thankfully he is wearing jeans under his hospital gown.

"Made a few calls. Barked a few threats. You know the typical good girl gone bad showdown."

He chuckles darkly. "I see. What I meant to say is, how the hell do you have my men following your orders?"

"I'm the only person who can help you out of here without making a big scene about it. You are technically supposed to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow in the afternoon and taken into custody by mid evening." I point out.

His eyes pierce mine as he examines my expression. I admit I did lie and say that Derek gave me the authority to lead this whole operation to help him escape. It took less time when I told them I had the power to get Derek to shoot them all since I would be ruling by his side. It definitely did the trick.

"Let's hear your idea." Derek says as he takes a seat on his bed.

"This is not an idea, it is a thoroughly full proof plan that is already in action as we speak. Might want to get your shoes on and pack up your stuff while we're at it. We have exactly three minutes before all chaos erupts." I grin smugly.

Derek momentarily ponders my words and I guess he seems to think that something big is going down because he quickly grabs his shoes from under his bed. He discards his gown and searches one of the small drawers for a plain white t-shirt. I find myself absentmindedly checking his muscular back as his muscles flex while he puts a shirt over his head. His heated gaze lands on me and I flush at being caught.

"So what is our next step?" He asks once he is ready to go.

"Now we sit and wait for the signal."

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