~°Chapter 1°~

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1 Month Later..

I shiver violently as the cold chill from the winter night creeps through my sweater. I cling to my only thick piece of fabric, protecting myself from the icy flakes that rain down on me. My ears continue ringing, every sound echoing louder, pounding against my skull. The clicking of my heels on the pavement road, the smooth hushed sound of snow cascading which can only be described as chandeliers clinking together in the thinnest of ways, reverberate my damaged ear drums.

The temperature has dropped dramatically, the change is evident with each step I take. My knees ache tremendously, shaking as I bare the consequence of wearing heels and a mini short black dress during winter. I've been walking for nearly half an hour in this drenching climate. My face feels frozen, my lips have gone numb, stinging as they become impossible to barely move. The majority of my limbs are partly rigid due to the conditions of the weather and the lack of insufficient clothing I wear. I bury part of my face in my coat, tightening my arms around my waist in hopes of preserving body heat to relieve my frozen fingers. The chances of having pneumonia or frost bite in certain places of my exposed flesh are highly possible.
My lungs burn with a new raw stinging sensation of an agonizing fire. I'm losing the battle with the damn cold. I lick my dry lips that feel hard against my tongue.

I scan the vacant intersection as I cross the frozen road. Black ice has formed rapidly, complicating my walk home as I stumble to gain control of my own feet. I should have brought an extra pair of shoes in case the unexpected caught me by surprise, in this circumstance it had. I tend to rely on my assumptions more often than I should. They were never wrong except for tonight.

Big mistake!

I curse Evan Cole for all my misery I'm experiencing tonight. Honestly what had I expected from a guy like him? A ride home with his intoxicated ass? Now that I think of it, I should have jacked his car from the garage to bring myself back home. I would have dropped it back in the morning or when I felt he deserved the lousy red Lamborghini.

Fact is, I wasn't sober enough to use my head forty minutes ago since my brain was swimming in vodka and tequila. When Evan sobers up I will give him hell for this! Some boyfriend he is. He never even bothered to glance in my direction when I informed him I would be leaving. Too busy drinking like a loser, words he'd once used to describe his father.

I question my sanity. Why the hell had I not dumped his stupid ass already? Maybe because being with Evan has created a new identity for yourself. My logical voice points out.

The whole school knows our relationship is a deception. He is a conceited jerk. Always trying to get his hands on me with any opportunity he deems suitable. He is possessive, narcissistic, and rude. In addition to his personality, the only reason our relationship is as popular as the Kardashian's new drama is because of my reputation. My name, my attitude, my history, rumors I failed to acknowledge or correct in the past have provided me a title of the bad girl. In other words, I'm classified as the schools sexy, dangerous, and untamed female. The male population were intrigued, heck they were fascinated that Crescent High offers a competition for their testosterone to come in use.

I had been a challenge for Evan from the beginning of the year. His mind was set and the determination to have me one way or another made him vulnerable. He had every girl drooling for his attention and quite frankly I wasn't looking for the spotlight when I walked down the hallway on my first day of school. I never even intended to be Evan's girlfriend or anyone else's for the matter but I accepted his offer nevertheless. Once we became official the skanks known as the cheerleaders had no choice to fake friendships with me in order to keep their statuses and reputations up on the food chain ladder. A couple of them initially tried to instigate fights with me in the bathrooms but learned quickly I was not someone they could mess with.
I beat a few of them up and it took skill to drown someone with one leg while fighting off two other girls who just kept on coming back for several rounds. They couldn't exactly go and rat me out considering they were the ones who cornered me and attempted to assault me. I only defended myself.

Last GoodnightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora