~°Chapter 6°~

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For a second I fear that Sebastian is going to attempt to run him over. I don't want another fight to start tonight. One is enough for me. I am about to protest but Sebastian surprises me by easing off the gas and coming to a complete stop a few inches away from Damion. In this moment I would give anything to know what he's thinking. Sebastian turns the engine off and removes his seat-belt. Damion comes around the car and forces the passenger door wide open. 

I remove the seat belt just as Damion reaches down to pull me into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and relax my composure slightly now that I feel a lot more safe being in familiar arms. Not that I didn't trust Sebastian.

"What the hell is this Adina?" Damion asks staring at my face which is probably swollen or bruised by this point. I forgot to check a mirror back at the club to see how much damage had been done.

I don't get an opportunity to answer before he swerves around and steps up to Sebastian with me in his arms. Somehow I find myself pressed in between both of their chests.

"What the fuck did you do? What did I fucking tell you you piece of shit!" Damion bellows furiously in Sebastian's face.

My grip tightens around Damion in warning. He looks down at me, a frown marring his dark features. "This is not okay Adina." He whispers smoothly. His thumb caressing my shoulder soothingly.

"Don't be mad at him please. I walked out of the club and some men appeared out of the blue and attacked me and another girl. It was unprovoked and no one was around to help. I had to fend off on my own while the other girl went for help." I explain as best as I can.

He nods and gives me a reassuring smile before turning his signature glare at Sebastian. I look up to meet Sebastian's eyes that are watching me with an emotion I can't read. He looks a little disappointed.

"Thank you for everything Sebastian. I'll be okay now." I smile up at him.

"Damion, make sure to keep an eye on her for tonight. There is a small bump on the back of her head and a bruise forming on the left side of her ribs." Sebastian proclaims in a dark voice.

"I got her from here. You don't need to give me orders to watch her. I unlike you know how to keep an eye out." He retorts viciously.

"Enough Damion! Sebastian took care of me and made sure I was okay. He dropped me off here as well. He doesn't deserve you treating him like an ass!" I snap sharply.

Damion sighs in defeat and bites back another comment. He opts for glaring silently.

Sebastian's expression is serious as he eyes me warily. He opens his mouth as if to say something but shakes his head and looks away from me. He nods to Damion and moves out of Damion's way as we head into the two story home. I watch Sebastian climb into his car just as Damion closes the door behind him and the automatic locks click into place. I exhale sharply not realizing that I had been holding my breath for a while.

Damion carries me up the flight of stairs and into his room where he proceeds to gently lay me on his bed. Without a word he goes to his drawers and pulls out one of his long t-shirts and comes over to me. He reaches for my shirt and carefully removes it from my body. He then goes for my skirt. He shimmies it down my legs as I watch his hands gently trail down my thighs all the way to my feet. His eyes glaze over the bruises which I feel pulsing on my ribs. My breaths are uneven as I watch Damion's every move waiting for him to act or make a move as I lay on his bed in just my bra and panties.

"Oh Adina, if I would of been there I wouldn't have let this happen to you."

I reach up and touch his face mesmerized by his bone structures and the way his skin warms under my fingers. His eyes close for a brief instant and he leans closer to me. His green eyes are on me and he leans down as if in a trance and places his lips on me, testing the waters to see how I react. He slowly moves his lips pressing down harder as his hands skim down my body trailing lower. I moan in appreciation and he uses the advantage to turn a decent kiss into a frenzy wild possessive kiss. His tongue dances with my own trying to dominate mine and I follow, not backing down. A low groan escapes from the back of his throat as his fingers move to my back and unsnap my bra. My hands trail over his chest and pull at the hem of his shirt. He releases my mouth long enough to remove his shirt and hovers over my bruised body.

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