Brother's In Arms

Start from the beginning

Garcia: "Will do, but I should warn you, it will not be cake because I have been on the phone with these guys all morning and pulling files from them has been like pulling molars."

Hotch: "Is there a problem?"

Garcia: "You know, aside from the obvious grief for their fallen compadres, and their fear of being used as target practice, I get the distinct impression from their crabby behavior, they are none too pleased their boss is outsourcing this investigation to the FBI, prepared to hit a blue wall of resistance."

Hotch: "Commander Marks, I'm SSA Hotchner. This is agent Todd."

Jordan: "Hi."

Hotch: "Agents Rossi, Prentiss, Morgan, Watson and Dr. Spencer Reid. Thank you for inviting us."

Commander: "And thank you all for coming. Although I'd like to have a word if you don't mind."

Hotch: "Of course" he says before turning to the others "Excuse me."

Commander: "Uh, Lieutenant Evans" he calls out to the man "Lieutenant Evans will answer any questions the rest of you may have. This way."

Lieutenant: "Sorry, that was officer Kayser's wife" he says coming over to them "They'd only been married a couple of months. She seems to think that the FBI is here to save the day. Is that what you're going to do, agents?"

Lieutenant: "See, this is twelve's territory." he says when they arrive at the recent crime scene 

Emily: "And you think they're behind this?"

Lieutenant: "Does it matter?"

Emily: "Yes, it matters to us, Lieutenant. You know this city and its gangs better than we do. We'd like to hear your theories."

Lieutenant: "Ok, twelves has a captain. Street name Playboy. Vice broke up a drug ring. Shot his brother, DOA. Playboy thought he would kill us all."

Morgan: "Well, it is pretty strong motivation, but your commander said the dash cam only showed one attacker most 'bangers will bring some back-up just in case."

Lieutenant: "Well, Playboy runs the toughest crew in town. He's not "most 'bangers."

Watson: "Well, you said the dash cam only showed one attacker. Why show your face at all?"

Morgan: "Because he had to. He wanted to take them both out at the house, but they broke protocol. Rodriguez approached the house by himself."

Lieutenant: "Wait a minute. Are you telling me they screwed up?"

Morgan: "No, Lieutenant, I'm saying that they split up, forcing the unsub to take them out separately, one here at the house and one at the car."

Watson: "That front unit's empty. He could have set himself up there and waited. The element of surprise was on his side."

Morgan: "Choice of neighborhood was deliberate. Neighbors around here are used to hearing gunfire. They'll blame it on the gangs, and so will the police."

Emily: "At least now, everyone with force knows he's out there. It'll be harder for him to lure someone into his trap."

Morgan: "Well, not necessarily. Being a cop is always dangerous, but even with the extra back-up and rover cars added to the shifts, Phoenix P.D..'s still going to have to do their job. Which means walking into a potential ambush every time they take a call."

Officer: "He set us up. We knew he was out there, he still managed to set us up." he says when they arrive at the recent crime scene and Morgan and Watson go to talk to him

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