"Her name was Jenny Martin."

"Never heard of her," sighed Mikayla. She followed a lot of the missing persons cases in her spare time. But she was simply too drunk to explain that to Marie.

"Well, I doubt she was ever reported missing. Jenny was twenty-seven when Jackson took her. Too old for most people to notice or care that someone went missing. But they should have, because she was a sweet young woman. You honestly look a little like her. You have the same red hair and the same pretty eyes."

"So why didn't they notice she was gone?"

"Her parents were dead, her sister moved to Europe and I think her brother was in Seattle or something like that. She wasn't close with her brother and with her sister far away they didn't talk much."

"Distance is just as good as estrangement and no family," said Mikayla, quoting something Jackson wrote in one of his books.


"Nothing. Go on with your story."

"It's not my story. It's Jenny's and it could become yours."

"Dude, I'm too drunk for this. Just tell the story. So she didn't have family. So I'm guessing she left?"

"In her words, she had nothing much to lose. She sold all her stuff and drove cross country with the intention of moving to California. But when she got here, the apartment she set up fell through."

"Ooof," said Mikayla, unsure how else to respond.

"She had the money for the deposit and first few months rent on an apartment, but the place she was supposed to live stole it all," said Marie.

"Yo, that's some scam artist shit," slurred Mikayla.

"It was. She was living in her car when she met Jackson. She only got motel rooms one in a while to shower while she was looking for a job. I think she was at a rest stop or a cafe or something charging her stuff and Jackson sat down with her. From what she told me he'd been scouting the area for a few days wearing a disguise. She thought he was a local. She didn't recognize him as a celebrity, even though she was a big fan."

"I mean, if it worked for Clark Kent, it can work for a celebrity. To be fair, I didn't recognize him either, but I've seen like . . . three of his movies."

"Considering how big a dude he is, he manages to blend in well."

"Yup." Mikayla nodded at Marie to continue the story.

"So, yeah. He scouted out the area. Sat with her. Then he asked if she was homeless. She told him everything and he offered to let her come back to his house and shower and stay there for a few days."

"Let me guess, a few days turned into never leaving?"

"Sort of. She was in a really bad place, so she agreed. She figured he'd want to hook up with her in exchange for giving her a place to sleep. And on the first night here that's just what he did. The next day she was fortunate enough to snag and interview at a place and when she tried to leave to go fill up her car with gas, Jackson stopped her. He kept her in isolation for nearly a month."

"A month! I'd die," gasped Mikayla.

"She told me that she was extremely introverted, so it wasn't as bad for her. But I agree with you. But whatever he did, it worked, because she was too scared to fight back by the time he let her out. She was super obedient, just how he wanted her to be," sighed Marie.

"So, what went wrong. Why did he kill her?"

Marie sniffled a little. "It . . . it was my fault. Nico brought me over here for the first time. Jenny had adjusted pretty well, so they figured that she could convince me to adjust. But instead I convinced her to rebel. I only saw her one other time and she was so badly beaten that she couldn't walk. I saw her in the isolation room." Marie tried to wipe the heavy tears from her eyes.

Mikayla couldn't stand watching people cry. She sat up, slightly wobbling, and reached over the edge of the couch to give the other girl a hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Marie sighed.

"Jenny . . . Jenny really upset Jackson. I don't know what happened after that second time I saw her, but next thing I knew, Nico told me that Jackson was looking for another girl. If I'd just left things alone Jenny would still be alive. And you wouldn't be here. Everything is my fault."

Mikayla was stunned. She knew that Jackson was deplorable for kidnapping her. But, so far he hadn't hurt her. In fact, if the notes in his books were anything to go by, he wanted someone who was feisty. But as Jackson kept saying, things change. And maybe if she didn't get her act together and make him think that he'd succeeded in breaking her spirit he would snap. She didn't want to find out.

"So, why are you okay with all this?" whispered Mikayla.

"Because . . . because if I'm too much trouble Nico will get rid of me. I'd rather live with the knowledge that maybe someday I'll get another shot in society. Maybe if I'm good and I don't fight him, he'll let me dye my hair and accompany him to movie premieres, and I can keep living. And Nico's really nice to me. I don't have to worry about bills or about entering strings of data into a computer and hoping that someone likes my thesis enough so I can graduate."

"Dude, life is hard. My life wasn't perfect before, but that doesn't mean I want to give it all up an be a prisoner."

"It wouldn't be my first choice, but I'm done fighting. At least I know if I behave that Nico will protect me and maybe some day I'll have a semblance of normalcy."

Mikayla laid there, silently looking up at the ceiling. "So, how long was Jenny here?"

"Six months, I think. She'd already been here for four months by the time I got to LA. And Nico kept me in New Mexico for a month. So she was kidnapped three months before me."

"Do you really think if I behave he'll protect me?"

"Yes. I don't doubt it for a second."

"He told me he wants to break my spirit. He said he picked me because I'd be fun," said Mikayla, extending her hand in the air, and slowly studying it.

"Nico said he picked me because I reminded him of a delicate flower that needed to be cared for."

Mikayla let out a puff of laughter. "That sounds like a line of crap."

Marie took a deep breathe. "Please, Mikayla, try to take this seriously. I don't want you to get hurt. I know this is a lot to handle. Believe me, I know."

Mikayla sighed, "Look, I appreciate the advice. Now, I'm very drunk and very tired. And maybe, just maybe I can fall asleep before Jackson is ready for bed."

Marie sighed and sat in utter silence. Mikayla closed her eyes, hoping to drift off. And maybe she did. But the moment the door swung open, she was extremely alert. Marie was being ushered home by Nico and before Mikayla knew it, she was being carried up to Jackson's bedroom.

The Celebrity Copycat - A Heartthrob TaleWhere stories live. Discover now