
"So you want to explain something?" my dad asked gaining my attention. I stared up at the ceiling while laying back in a rolley chair near his desk. "Like what?" I asked trying to doge the obvious. "How about how you lied to me about work?" he stated taking a seat at his desk. Low key wished Ron wasn't dead, then I wouldn't have to go through all this. If only he really did skip town. "I wanted to avoid this" I replied finally looking to him. "Well now we're here because you didn't tell the truth" my dad said fixing a couple papers on his desk. "I would've still gotten a look of judgment" I replied crossing my arms. "I'm only giving that look because you lied, why did you?" he questioned keeping eye contact with me. I huffed in annoyance. "I knew you would've been worried and considering everything with work, I didn't want you too" I said. My dad breathed in deeply as a reaction. "Just because I'm busy doesn't mean I don't have time to help you" my dad replied. "I'm almost an adult I don't need help with jobs. I already felt shitty enough getting fired from somewhere mom worked, but I wanted to solve it on my own" I stated spinning the chair around so I didn't have to look at him anymore. My dad didn't say anything, but I knew he was still there. "Kaya I understand you're almost an adult and that's why I give you freedom. But just because you're almost an adult, it doesn't mean you can't ask for help. You think I knew what I was doing after your mom? No. I was a full grown adult in his mid 30's and I had to ask for help from others" my dad explained. That was a rough time. I remember family friends having to pick me up from school for a while, because my dad was working so much. "I know your mom raised you to be independent, but that doesn't mean you can't ask for help sweetie" my dad said in a softer tone. "I know but the whole situation with getting fired was stupid in the first place and I just wished for it to be over with" I said spinning the chair back around to face him. My words almost sounded like a pout, and with my arms still crossed I felt like a child. My dad got up from his desk and walked in front of me. He sat on the edge of his desk and reached his arms out. He wanted a hug. I of course got up and wrapped my arms around his in response. "Trust me I heard the story. But you have to remember I love you with my whole heart and breath Kaya, and keeping you safe comes with that. And lies are not going to make me feel like your safe. I know you had good intentions, but next time let's just be honest okay?" my dad said keeping his arms wrapped around me. I mean it doesn't sound like he's necessarily mad. So I guess this isn't too bad. "Okay I understand. No more lying" I replied keeping my head supported up against his chest. "Good. Now I got paper work to do so if you don't mind..." my dad said releasing his grip. I followed shortly which he went back to sitting behind his desk. 

"Wait, but dad what about Ron? Like did you guys catch the killer?" I asked now relaxed back in the previous rolley chair. My dad finished writing something before looking up to me. I could tell he was in a debate on telling me. "I mean I'm technically apart of the case in a way, so it's not completely bad" I said trying to convince me. You could say I was right? I mean I didn't witness it, but they still needed information from me. "No we have not caught the suspect, and if I'm being honest... we have no leads" my dad finally said giving in. I swiveled the chair closer to his desk so I could hear more clearly. "I mean are you sure he was killed and it was suicide or something?" I questioned. I mean I was curious. Would he even give me that kind of details yet? Considering it took him forever to finally tell me about gang violence. "It's definitely not suicide considering he was beaten and shot" my dad replied still trying to pay attention to his paper work at the same time. Oh my god. It gave me chills to have my dad open up to me. "And you know what, we have an idea that this was relate to the gang violence" my dad said in a lower tone. "Wait so Ron was in a gang?" I asked with confusion. There's no way. "Of course not. The closets gang affiliation he had was League of Legends dead beat group" my dad said which didn't surprise me. The dude did live in his moms basement. "But it's confusing because he seems quite specific. It didn't seem like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, because in most cases like that we see stabbings instead of shootings" my dad said adding on. I mean it was in a way pretty specific. Considering my text messages. "I think the real question is in general is why is there all the sudden gang violence?" I stated which my dad nodded in agreement. "Well these groups seem to be different. From past reports in the city, these groups aren't like any regular gangs we've had in the past. You could say it's almost like a mafia or something" my dad replied. Mafia? "Isn't that just for Italians?" I question. My dad chuckled softly to my question. "No of course not. You're only thinking of Al Capone. But there's mafias all over the world from different races and diversities" my dad explained. Well now I feel stupid. But I didn't realize mafias were still going on in this day and age. 


"You sure you'll be good to make it home?" my dad questioned after releasing me from a hug. After letting go I fixed my hair and gripped the bag that held my new phone. "Yeah, the house is just a couple blocks away" I replied glancing down the street. My dad followed my glance before nodding. "Okay but you put my number in already just in case?" my dad questioned pointing to the bag. I nodded quickly with a smile. "Don't worry it's literally the afternoon. School just ended so the only threatening thing I might run into is a moody teenager" I said jokingly. "I love you and I'll see you later" my dad said before kissing the top of my head. "Love you too, and good luck" I replied giving him a thumbs up. My dad returned the thumbs up before getting into his car. 

As I approached the apartment complex I saw a familiar figure standing near the entrance of the parking lot. He was completely oblivious to his surrounds as he was just examining the wall that stated EXIT

Jisung's hair glimmered in the light and made it seem way lighter than it was in person

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Jisung's hair glimmered in the light and made it seem way lighter than it was in person. "What are you doing here?" I questioned with a soft chuckle. My words made him turn around and flash me a soft smile. "I wanted to check in with you" he replied walking closer to me. "Oh really?" I questioned raising one of my eyebrows slightly. "Yes and Renjun wanted me to deliver this to you" he added pulling my old phone out of his pocket. He handed it which I nodded before placing it in my pocket. "Any news on unknown then?" I questioned. Jisung looked off down the street as if he was avoiding my gaze. "Well I also came to talk to you about that as well" he said rubbing the back of his neck. 

"He couldn't track it? How?" I asked in a surprised tone. Jisung sat on my couch quietly. "We don't know either. Chenle is literally a hacking genius and I'm not joking when this angered him. He's done all that's possible and he can't find anything on Unknown. Not even a number" Jisung explained. He had a frustrated tone as he spoke. "What am I going to do?" I question as I paced in the living room. "What do you mean? The number hasn't texted back, and you literally just got a new phone. Just move on" he replied shrugging his shoulders. Move on? Just move on? "The person who beat and shot Ron texted me. How the hell do they even get my number? And not mention they're mentioning gang and mafia affiliation" I said in a complaining tone. Jisung's eyes darted to me. "What?" he questioned as he stood to his feet. "My dad explained that they're connecting this with the recent gang or mafia activity arising" I replied crossing my arms. "What if I know them? Oh my god imagine if I knew them!" I said. I was at this point over thinking. Jisung grabbed my shoulders and paused my pacing. "Calm down. You're over thinking this. Nothing bad is going to happen" he said looking me straight in the eyes. "How do you know?" I questioned. My voice felt so small. Mainly due the worried feeling over coming me. 

"I'll make sure" Jisung replied not breaking eye contact. 

His words and tone always calmed me down. He knew how I had the tendency to over think things, but he the ability to talk me off the edge. 


literally right after i made that announcement on my account i found some type of motivation complete a chapter at almost 2 am. so enjoy lmao ! 

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