Recovery 26

411 11 2

Evans POV

All I remember was punching Kendall to the ground. I woke up and everyone was asleep. My sister, Louis, Nash, Matthew, Taylor, Mahogany, Aaron, The jacks, Zayn, Liam, and Niall. Wow so many people came for Harry that's so sweet.

"Guys Evans awake" I heard Harry's weak voice say. Everyone shot their eyes open and ran to my bed.

"Are you ok?!"
"How are you feeling!?"
"Do you need anything!?" All these retarded question were thrown at me.

"Stop! Just stop!! Why are you asking if I'm fine!?" I angrily asked all of them.

"You were injected with a sleeping needle." Taylor said with sympathy.

"Why aren't you asking my brother!? Who got in a fucking car accident and almost died!! My brother who lost both his daughters!? Why are you asking me! I got injected with a relaxing needle. I'm going to the apartment I want you to stay with Harry and get him everything he needs. I'll be back with his clothes for when he leaves understood?" I said taking off the stuff on my arms. It was so retarded that they were worried about me. I appreciate it but my brother almost died and lost his daughters. They should be worried about Harry!

"Evan its ok I was worried my self too."

"I don't care your the one who needs to be cared for right now." I said seriously.

"Jacob Matthew come with me please. Nash Taylor get food. Mahogany Niall Zayn and Liam watch my brother. Gemma Louis ask when Harry's getting out then text me." Everyone nodded and I headed out the door. I saw Marsey sitting on one of the chairs and i went up to her.

"Hey Marsey? What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"My mom is sick." She said really upset.

"Yeah but I know she'll get better. Evan have you told anyone about the 'thing' yet?"

"No." I said.

"Because it's gotten worse." she pulled up her sleeve and there was a big bruise. I widened my eyes.

"He's going after you Evan" she said with such fear.
I'm sorry I haven't updated in years I've just been busy.😍💕 love you all!!

Recovery//Jacob WhitesidesWhere stories live. Discover now