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[A bunch of homework's been piling up lately, so I'm sorry I'm not going to issue that often.]


,,Hi Lugnut, did you miss me?"

I asked Lugnut provocatively. He muttered something angrily before walking away. I turned to Blitzwing and smiled at him. 

,,I'll take that as a yes."

,,Well, you know, he waz enjoying the prezence -he witch his head- when he had Megatron all to himself."

We started laughing loudly. Because we both think he has crush on him. Lugnut grunted angrily and stood in front of me. It seemed quite ridiculous when a giant twice your size mech gets mad at someone as small as you.

,,Will you just shut up?!"

I sneered at him and shook my head, saying no. With both hands, he grabbed his head and groaned. I wanted to add something before our leader walked in. 


he approached to us. We straightened out.

,,Professor Sumdac has just located another allspark fragment."

He explained.

"That's why I want you, together with Blitzwing, to get that allspark fragment."

We both nodded with our heads. But before we could leave, Lugnut got in touch. 

"Lord Megatron, I don't think it's a good idea-"

Megatron's, murderous look clearly explained to him to be quiet. He swallowed aloud and stepped back. I grinned at him and together we walked out of the cave.

,,Well, let's go!"

"Let's go destroy those Autobots scums!"

'Hot head' yelled before we transformed into jets and flew off towards the city.


We landed on the racetrack and transformed. We were looking all around and trying to pick up the energysignal, but we didn't pick up anything.

,,Blitzwing to Megatron, the allspark fragment signal which we traging just disappeared, again..."

He announced.

,,Revish, allsparks fragment don't disappear, keep searching."

He ordered us and ended the call. He just turned to me and i shrugged.

 ,,Well, it's going to be a long night."

He nodded his head in agreement before we transformed and flew away to keep searching.

Bumblebee POV : 


~What is more powerful than an allspark is your love~Where stories live. Discover now