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Many years later

No one Pov:

  A lot of things have changed over the years. Detroit became one of the most advanced cities in the world, thanks to Isaac, who found the head of Megatron on his family farm, from which he learned to control the equipment, which he began selling after a few years and became the most successful scientist in the world.

  A few years later, fifty years to be exact, he and everyone else found out about the Autobots, who had promised to protect their city. And what they promised they kept. They protected the city from criminals and even from the evil the Decepticons

  Speaking of Decepticons, The autobots have met several of them. The first was Starscream, which did a lot of damage during the festivals and almost won AllSpark for itself. Optimus, though, was determined to sacrifice his life for the Allspark, which he did, but thanks to Sari's Key and the  Allspark, they brought Optimus back to life.

  Then Lockdown appeared in the city, sent by the Decepticons to abduct Optimus and deliver him to them. Ratchet had to overcome his fear and save all his friends. Of course, we must not forget the Dinobots, which people think have been mothballed, but are actually hidden on a desert island that only a handful of people know about.

  Soundwave had given the Autobots a hard time, taking control of all the technology in the city, but it was still easier to beat than the two Decepticons who had flown here to avenge their master. Blitzwing thought Lugnut was a fool, for as soon as they landed on this planet, Lugnut started acting strange. He was talking to himself. Or so everyone thought. But he was actually talking to his master.

  The Decepticons lost big against the Autobots, but not today. Today, the Decepticons got what they wanted. The key. The key Sari always had with her until the Autobots took it from her, thinking it would be safer with them. Oh, but how wrong they were....

  As Blitzwing and Lugnut stood in front of Megatron's head, Blitzwing leaned over to his leader and inserted the key into his head. Immediately after, the room was illuminated by a blue glow, and everything metal in the room began to float to Megatron's destroyed body and rebuilding it. the cobs that were attached to his head lifted him and diverted him to his newly rebuilt body. Megatron was back.

  He looked at both Lugnut and Blitzwing. Afterwards, it seemed as if he were looking for someone among them.

  "Are you all?" "Yes lord Megatron. Blackarachnia iz missing and we haz no report about Y/N." Blitzwing responded. Megatron growled under his beard, his eyes growling with hatred. He didn't like to admit it, but he missed Y/N. She was one of the best soldiers he had ever have. It was a shame she went offline in that way.

  He looked down at the Autobots and his energon in his veins began to boil. He and the other Decepticons followed him.

  Back to the Autobots, they were more then glad that they haven't see you. At first they thought, they would see you along with Megatron. It was relief when you didn't. But what no one knew, is they you needed a little 'spark' to come back and join their party...

After the fight against the Autobots and the Decepticons:

  "This plane, Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress [Or any other airplane] is old for many years. The first flights were permitted in 1935 and ended in 1938. This is an flight bomber." The robotic guide said, and with its robotic finger pointed to the F/C plane.

  Kids who came here on a school trip were amazed to see the plane and started taking pictures with their cell phones.

  The robotic guide told schoolchildren, when they came to see historic airplane of the National Aircraft Museum. Even their teachers were enthralled by the plane. At the end, the teachers were glad they decided to come here to the national aircraft museum.

~What is more powerful than an allspark is your love~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang