Chapter 2

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Ye Hua had left his sword behind. Bai Qian went ahead to pick it up. It turned in a beautiful fan in her hands. She studied it. It was just a simple fan designed for men. The handle was embedded with jades carved with intricate designs. She opened it to reveal a beautiful painting of a majestic mountain range.

The painter had stamped his name on the painting, 夜华 Ye Hua. Bai Qian traced her finger on the signature, studying every stroke. She never knew which characters formed his name. What were Ye Hua's parents thinking? It's so extravagant, the name didn't suit his personality at all.

She flicked her wrist, the fan turned back into the sword. Bai Qian dropped it immediately, she recalled how that item almost killed her, how he almost killed her.

But he let her go. Why? He was so determined to take his revenge. Why did he change his mind at the last minute? And leave this here?

Her aunt would know the answer. Nobody understood more about men as she did. Thinking about her aunt again made Bai Qian sad. Tears streamed down her face, she was truly alone now. With no one to care for her.

What's Bai Qian gonna do now?

She couldn't stay here any longer. Ye Hua might change his mind about killing her. Bai Qian quickly packed up her things: money, clothes, her aunt's jewelry. She paused when she saw Ye Hua's sword. Should she take it with her?

She couldn't just leave a celestial artifact lying around, could she?

Bai Qian finally decided to take it with her.

She made it out of her cave. Where would she go now? She didn't know anyone besides her aunt. She was an orphan with no friends, no companions.

Bai Qian walked to the closest town. It was early in the morning, the market was bustling with people. She passed by a few stalls selling various snacks and food.

The smell of food was so intoxicating it made her stomach growl. Bai Qian staredown at the money in the palm of her hands. Just a few coins, not even enough to buy a steamed bun.
She could also try charming the vendors. She looked down at her clothes, the battle had it tattered and riddled with holes. Not to mention caked with mud. She looked down at her reflection, she looked horrid right now. Forget about charming a merchant, she couldn't even enchant a dog right now.

Nevertheless, it won't hurt to try.

"One meat bun, please, " she said.

He packed it with a paper bag, "That would be five coins, "

Bai Qian opened her palm, revealing three coins.

She gave the vendor her best smile and batted her eyelashes. "Oh, please, sir? This is all I have left. "

He eyed her up and down and took away her bun, "If you don't have money. Don't bother me, get lost, "

She tried a few stalls, all yielded the same results.

She kicked the pebble below her feet. Bai Qian never felt so useless in her life. She couldn't perform a proper spell, couldn't charm a mortal man. She's hungry and homeless, with no plans for the future. Her aunt definitely would know what to do.

Dear heavens, she missed her so much.

Bai Qian walked a few feet until her emotion overwhelmed her. She sank down to the ground, tears dripped down the pavement. Everyone gave her a wide margin. She really didn't know what to do. She had no money, no home. No family, no one to rely on. Ye Hua should have killed her when she had the chance.

A pair of soft hands was placed on top of her shoulders. Bai Qian looked up to see a young woman smiling down at her. She was dressed in a simple purple dress with an apron tied around her waist.

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