I work past my dry throat. "Paparazzi?"

"Yeah, I know we weren't supposed to start dropping hints about our relationship until later tonight, but Chris thought it would be a good opportunity to call them this morning to have them waiting outside the hotel to get some candid shots."

Of course he did.

I nod, anxiously starting to play with my fingers as she digs through her suitcase for an outfit to wear. "So, how did you and Alex meet?" I can't help but ask, the question gnawing at me for the past few days.

"We've been to a handful of mutual friends parties," she admits with a shrug. "Most of them were before he went to rehab. Gosh, it took me so long to finally get the courage to talk to him, and even find the opportunity, really. Every party I saw him at he was bombarded by women, but finally I managed to grow a pair one night and march up to him to grab his attention. One thing led to another and we had our fun for a while, up until he had to go to rehab. It was a couple of weeks ago we ran into each other again at a social event, and then about a week ago our managers met and came up with the plan to take our relationship public."

"Oh," is the only word I can manage to get past my lips, still trying to digest the information.

"Yeah, before I was just another girl to him, I think. I knew he always liked me, but he didn't want to commit. He's a really great guy, sexy as hell, and it's nice to finally be exclusive," she says with a smile.

Her words rub me the wrong way. Does she know him like I know him, or is she only about his looks?

"Well, I better get hustling. Would you mind ordering me breakfast while I get ready? We have a big day ahead of us," she says excitedly, already steeping into the bathroom and closing the door to get ready.

"Sure," I mumble, reaching for the phone to call room service.

Two hours later and I'm sitting on the polished hardwood flooring of Addison's dance studio, checking my emails with my planner in hand. Her voice along with upbeat pop music crones through the speakers as her and her dancers move swiftly and fluidly to the beat.

I allow myself to admire the choreography for a few minutes, being mesmerized at how well they can all move together. My main focus is on Addison, though, noting her natural beauty and confidence that's laced with elegance.

She is the epitome of a superstar. She's beautiful, smart, talented, the whole package deal. Something I'll never be, but something Alex needs.

From the beginning, I always knew Alex needed someone more his pace, someone that can keep up with his lifestyle and understand it. I was never oblivious to the fact, but I was ignorant. Despite knowing I'd never be enough, I still fell in love with him and pushed my luck. Blatantly ignoring the signs and my own warnings, I only set myself up for failure. And worst of all, I ended up dragging him down with me.

Shaking my head of the memories and my past mistakes, I clear my head as much as I can to sort through my emails. For the next thirty minutes I sort through them to map out my schedule for the upcoming next two weeks, a lot of my time being spent accompanying Addison to interviews and outings that involve Alex during the day while most of her nights are scheduled with concerts.

A more recent email catches my eye, the subject line titled: Alex and Addison Paparazzi Shots. My heart rate accelerates and my hands nervously twist in my lap above the keyboard. Do I open it? Do I want to?

Finding the courage, I will my hands to unravel and I open the email. I see that there are numerous people it was forwarded to, everyone on both teams. Attached is an article published by a popular tabloid, the pictures of Addison leaving Alex's hotel displayed for the world to see, along with a few paragraphs speculating the reason of the occurrence between the two pop stars.

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