I Dreamt About You, Bro.

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Keith glanced at his hand and dropped the spoon onto the table. Shiro was looking at him like he was already deciding on what he'd say to Keith after dinner.

"He looks pale," Hunk said.

"He's always pale," from Pidge.

"Relax, guys. He was probably just lost in thought." Lance threw Keith a smile, and Keith was almost grateful for the defense.

But then Lance made his face into an exaggerated scowl and dropped his voice in what was definitely an attempt to mimic Keith.

"I want dinner to be over so I can sit in my room and brood like the emo edgelord I am."

His unfair representation of Keith's voice got a laugh out of everyone at the table. Even Shiro had to hide a few chuckles behind his hand.

In response, Keith shrugged and picked up his soon, digging into the food once again.

"At least I don't practice flirting with an imaginary Allura when I think no one else can hear me."

A few hours after dinner, Keith found himself at Lance's bedroom door. The short version of how he ended up there was that Keith had gone to train after dinner. Shiro found him beating his frustrations into the robot opponent and told him to stop avoid his problems, whatever they could be.

"Stop thinking so much," Shiro had said. "Just let your head clear up and try to relax."

Keith wanted to respond with something like "violence is how I clear my head," but he could picture the frown Shiro would give in response.

So he sighed, switched off the lights in the training room, and wandered the dark hallways until his "clear" mind steered him to Lance's door. Before his brain could yell at him to walk away, he slid the door open and knocked on the metal door frame.

"Lance," he called.

"Dude!" Lance's voice went up an octave. After opening the door all the way, Keith caught him standing up from the bed and fumbling with his blue and gold silk robe. "Warn a guy!"

"Nice pj's. The slippers clash, though." He stepped inside, and when the door closed behind him, he leaned against it. Lance's room was just like the others, minimal and impersonal. Lance remedied that, it appeared, with a few wallet-sized photos of Earth and his family taped next to the bed.

Lance frowned and tapped his blue-lion-clad foot.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"What makes you think I'm here to talk?" Keith's shoulders drew up self-consciously.

"Because you just love being in my company so much." Lance's little pout faded into his natural grin. "What else would bring you here?"

"I don't know. Boredom?"

Keith's eyes wandered the room until they landed on a small gray notebook. It sat on the bed, open to a random page with Lance's terrible handwriting scribbled from margin to margin.

"What's that?" Nodding toward it with his head, Keith stepped forward and swiped the notebook up before Lance could have an opportunity to stop him. He got an impatient 'hey!' in response, but Lance didn't try to take it back.

Keith flipped through the pages, fanning them out with his thumb. About half of the pages were written on, so Lance must've been working on it for a while.

"Don't you ask before doing anything?" Lance groaned. Leaning over Keith's shoulder to see which page he landed on, he changed his tone to a more excited one. "It's my dream journal. Hunk gave me the idea to start it a while back. I just write down what I dream when I wake up. It's pretty funny, actually, especially if you don't know it's about my dreams. Then reading it would just make me sound crazy."

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