I Dreamt About You, Bro.

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I Dreamt About You, Bro



set after shiro returns and before keith leaves for the blade of marmora

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Keith sucked in a gasp so fast that the food he was chewing lodged itself in the back of his throat. He covered it up with a purposeful and inconspicuous cough and looked around the table to see if anyone was sending him weird glances. Thankfully, no one noticed his near-death experience. He could go back to eating food at a normal pace and holy fuck, did he hear that correctly?

He'd been half listening to Lance babble on and on as usual, smiling like he had an audience when really only Coran seemed interested in his story. This one in particular (the reason Keith started choking on space food in the first place) was about the dream he had the night before, something about penguin spy drones.

"But, Lance," Pidge interrupted, "penguins don't fly."

"Yeah, you'd never convince the enemy they were real penguins," Hunk added.

"What are penguins?" Allura asked.

"That's not the point!" Lance said, waving his hands in front of himself. "You're not listening to the important part. So, in my dream, we used the drones to distract the air-breathing fish aliens while the mice snuck into-"

The dream itself wasn't concerning Keith, since Lance's crazy stories never really do.

No, what made him gasp was how familiar the dream sounded. Lance rattled off specifics after specifics, and Keith's head felt dizzy like it does with dejavu. The details played in his mind like a movie.

He successfully guessed the mice snuck into the control panel and chewed through the wiring of the fish aliens' power source because he had the exact same dream the night before .

The similarity was too uncanny for him to brush it off as a coincidence because, really, what are the odds they both dreamt about air-breathing fish aliens (a species Keith was sure didn't even exist) on the exact same night?

But then again, could it just have been dejavu? There's a scientific explanation for that, where something is oddly familiar to you so your brain makes up the story of "I've seen this before" with the hope of organizing memories into neat little compartments. Maybe Keith had a related dream, and his head wanted to claim Lance's as his own after he spoke the finer details out loud.

After all, dreams were fleeting and unreliable. Humans forget a large percentage of them within minutes of waking up, so Lance couldn't have remembered so much of the story during dinner.

It was probably, most likely, definitely, without a doubt nothing.

"Keith, are you alright?"

The steady tenor of Shiro's voice caused Keith to look over at him on the other end of the table, blinking.

He swallowed to clear his throat. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You're gripping your spoon so hard your knuckles are white," Shiro pointed out.

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