Mysterious Universe

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mysterious universe


Lance groaned as he collapsed back into the surprisingly comfortable bed, creasing the fitted sheets and messing up the carefully arranged comforter. It'd been much too long since he'd laid in a bed. Much too long since he'd laid in one this comfortable.

It was strange, being on the ATLAS. Completely different. Loud and full of people whereas the castle had always been relatively silent, Lance only occasionally hearing someone walk past his door. Usually Keith.

But at least this was only temporary. With the freaky, evil, apparently-Altean war machine defeated, they kind of had nothing but time. Time to rebuild Earth, time to rebuild their connection with the coalition, and time to rebuild the castle-ship, which the OG team would take off in as soon as it was ready. They couldn't keep Voltron here on Earth, after all; it was the universe's defender.

Yep, Lance thought with a sigh, letting his eyes slip close as his body sank in the mattress, the stress and tightness in all his muscles slowly releasing. Nothing but time.

His doors slid open loudly.

Lance was up on an elbow, his bayard clenched in his hand and activated the second Keith stepped into his room, eyeing his stance thoughtfully. He didn't look surprised.

"It's just me," Keith said, letting his gaze slide up from Lance's gun to his face.

"Right," Lance said, feeling his bayard shift back into its hip-clip and disappear. "Sorry."

"Don't be," Keith said, and the door slid shut behind him. He took an odd number of strides across the room - odd because the bed was a different distance from the door on the ATLAS than on the castle - and climbed onto the bed. Lance felt the lingering tension in his body disperse completely as Keith curled into him, letting Lance pull him closer, hold him tighter.

He tried not to think about it all, tried to just live in this moment with Keith, but it was impossible. Every time his eyes slipped closed he was reliving another moment of his very-recent life. Drifting aimlessly in space without food or water, hooked elbow to elbow as tensions steadily rose. Crouching before his sister, the shield before them useless against the advancing Galra fighter. Racing to get the plates into place so that he wouldn't have to watch his home disintegrate before his eyes. Gasping in his pilot's seat as he could feel the energy sucked out of him and into that thing.

"Stop thinking," Keith whispered, his lips brushing against Lance's cheek. That's how this had all started in the first place. Lance would lie awake for hours on end after battles, after months in space, reliving the horrors of any given day he experienced. Somehow, Keith clued in to what he needed. Somehow, they started sleeping in the same bed together. Started falling in love with each other.

"Impossible," Lance said, and Keith shifted, slid overtop of him with his arms on either side of Lance's head, his body pressed down the length of Lance's.

"Oh yeah? Want me to prove you wrong?"

Lance laughed - actually laughed! When was the last time he'd done that?! - and wrapped his arms around Keith's middle, rolling him over onto his side and burying his face into his neck. Keith was wearing soft, comfortable clothes. He must've changed before coming over here.

"I love you," Lance murmured, a hand having reached under Keith's shirt to press against his stomach.

"So does Acxa, apparently," Keith revealed grumpily.

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