Sanji VS The Invincible Pearl

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"Hawk-Eye!" Krieg's voice shocks us all as he lands on the same drifting wood as the swordsman. "You came here for my head, didn't you? The head of the King of the East Blue?"

"Yes, that was my reason for coming here. I've had enough fun for one day, though, so I think that I am going to take a nap."

I giggle, thinking of how Zoro takes a lot of naps.

"Hey, you can't just leave, fancy cape," Krieg's statement causes Hawk-Eye to stop in his tracks. "I don't give a shit if you have had your fun or not, since I've only been on the receiving end."

"Wow, I'd just let him go," I mumble.

"It is my turn to have a little fun, so die!" Krieg flings out his arms and stares firing from all his guns.

"What a slow learner," Hawk-Eye pulls his large sword out and creates a large wave.

I rush over to where all the cooks are, taking my place by Sanji as anyone not on the Baratie is shaken up. Also, Hawk-Eye is now nowhere to be seen. "Where did he go?" I look up at Sanji.

"Ah, darling, what are you still doing here?" Sanji looks down at me with a small sparkle in his eyes.

"The fight is where I am meant to be," I grin, looking back out at the disaster taking place.

"Usopp! Get out of here!" Luffy orders as he grabs the railing of the Baratie and pulls himself to safety. "Go find Nami, and we'll catch up later!"

"Sounds good, captain!" Usopp shouts back. "We'll find Nami, and you and Akari can get the cook to join! Once we get everyone together, it is onto the Grand Line!"

"Hell yeah!" I shout as I step closer to Luffy to place his straw hat on his head.

"Let's do it!" Luffy widely grins.

"Time to kick some ass," I pat my shurikens.

"Those damn locusts don't know when to stop," Sanji takes his cigarette out of his mouth for a few seconds.

"Hey, old man," Luffy says, looking back at the pirates that are coming our way. "If I get rid of those guys, can I stop being chore boy and get back on my adventure?"

"Hm, you've got yourself a deal," Zeff nods.

"Hey, Luffy?" I lean down to have my eyes level with his.

"Yes?" Luffy grins as he stares back at me.

"Don't do anything stupid out there, okay?"

"I'll try," he giggles, pressing his forehead to mine. "Make sure to take out some guys, okay?"

"For sure," I chuckle, leaning away and looking at the remaining pirates under Krieg. "Geez, they are going crazy over there," I shake my head. "Don't they realize that this isn't going to end well?"

"Their pride is already hurt, so they might as well keep going," Sanji shrugs.

"Man, they are crazy worked up," Luffy widely smiles as he looks back. "This is going to be a lot of fun!"

"You promise that you will let him go, Chef Zeff?" I look up at the one-legged man.

"Yeah," Luffy turns back to us. "You promise, right old man?"

Zeff scoffs, "I couldn't have asked for a better deal to come my way. You've already made a mess of my ship in three days, so I can only imagine what a whole year would bring."

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